Poll: Anyone thought they sinned against Holy Spirit? Any anxiety or anger?

by SAHS 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    well the WTBTS would seriously suggest that posting on this board is sinning against the holy spirit - they would say it is negaitive, speaks lies about "Gods Chosen Channel" is apostate -- blah, blah, blah

  • minimus

    True/funny story. When my mother would tell us (my brother and I) that we were being bad kids, she would say, "YOU have lost Jehovah's spirit!" My older brother brother would cry and beg forgiveness.......My response?----"That's alright. I'll find it later".......(See, I've always been a rebel).

  • bull01lay


    My response?----"That's alright. I'll find it later".......(See, I've always been a rebel). - LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Made my night that one!!!!

    During my active JW days I did once feel that I had sinned against the holy spirit - and ended up confessing all to a very embarrassed elder!!!

    Seems a theme to me, the 'scare tactics' of eternal death for self and family... I sometimes still have nightmares now - and I was DF'd 12 years ago!!!!

    I read some of the posts on this site and it makes me shiver - even now I find it almost impossible to directly speak out against the borg!! How's that for indoctrination!!

  • minimus

    Hey Bull----what bad thing did you do?

  • maxwell

    I used to be afraid that I had committed the unforgivable sin when I believed in the Bible. Now that my beliefs can be most accurately described as agnostic, I've thought and said all sorts of things about any potential God and his potential spirit, and if he does exist as described in the bible, I suppose I have probably committed the sin, but I have no anxiety over it.

  • gidgetgirl

    That is not sinning against the Holy Spirit. Jehovah knows we are imperfect. i asked an elder and his wife what that ment, because I knew that i knew what was right and wrong from the Bible and I rebelled. They told me If you truley sinned against the Holy Spirit, You would just know with out a doubt, just the way an anointed person knows that they are anointed without a doubt. If you work to hender God's will, on purpose. If you lie against Jehovah to make other people not listen to the Bible teachings, after you knowing the truth, that is A sin against the Holy Spirit. but if you were never baptized, and you are ignorant that what you are doing is wrong, then it is not a sin against the Holy Spirit. Like Paul was involved in the killing and persacution of many of Christ's followers, but he thought he was doing right. So he was forgiven and given Holy Spirit.


  • bull01lay


  • bull01lay


    Surely you don't want to know THAT deep into my sordid jaywit days....!!

    Quid pro quo... litlle nightingale...

  • minimus

    C'mon, Bull.....tell us.

  • blondie

    I have sinned against the WTS. Is that the same thing?


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