Hi all - another newbie!!!

by bull01lay 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Joy:Human, or humane?

    Oh, and he aint called "Bull" for nothing.

    Strong as a bl**dy ox, he is...

  • Sassy

    Welcome to the board bull01lay!!!

    Thanks for filling us in a little about you.. hopefully we can give you support and friendship that you won't find in the conditional JW world. My life is different than yours, but not so much that I can not relate to where you are coming from. I haven't been dfd.. but I quit being a JW because of how the elders tried to force me to stay with my ex (2nd husband).. that was enough for me.. and I too lost friends because of stopping being a JW.. Fortunately there are some awesome people outside the JW box that can be our friends without condition! And you already have LT who is totally awesome!! We look forward to getting to know you! Please stay around!


  • Xena

    Welcome bull....nice to see you posting

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hello Bull!

    Welcome to the board!

  • bull01lay

    Hmmm, I see my association with the infamous LT is going to give me some hammer.....

    Thank you all for the encouragement and welcoming words.... I shall do my best to keep up LT's tradition of insanity and outrageousnes...

    ps, if you want the lowdown on LT, give me a shout... I've still to get him back for making me wear a skirt when he got married! ;-) (kidding!)

    Looking forward to many long chats etc.


  • Stefanie

    Hi, and welcome.

    I enjoyed reading your story.

  • Angharad

    Hi Bull

    Welcome to the board

  • LittleToe

    Ok, ok, just one humiliating story.

    "Bull" and myself used to go to springboard diving classes (he once broke the board, but that's another story ).

    One day I decided to wind up the young tyke by flicking him with my towel.
    Well he got kinda mad, and proceeded to lift me up the wall by my nipples.

    I told ya the b*st*rd was strong.
    I yelped like Cindy blooming Lauper....

  • Xena

    What's this???? Dirt on LT???? Do you know how to work the PM feature here? Cause if not just let me know and I will be more than happy to help you

  • FMZ

    Welcome Bull mate. Glad to have you here. If you are a friend of LTs, then you are a highly suspect friend of mine

    So, now for the dirt....

    How long has LT been a lesbian?


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