Just saw the movie Troy!

by Maverick 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Maverick

    In the closing credits they state that the film was inspired by Homer's work. I guess that is their way of justifing all the changes. I was bothered most by the two weeks and not ten years part myself. I thought Helen was pitiful. As wooden as she appeared on screen I can not image her being a good lover. Hardly worth causing a War over. And Paris was a big pussy! But it was a fun movie! Maverick

  • Angharad

    Well Orlano bloom & Brad Pitt are in it which will make it worth going to see.

    We are also planning on going to see the day after tomorrow when its released next week.

  • Maverick

    Nice to hear from you Angharad, how are the boys doing?

    Yes I will probably have to see that one several times, both my girls want to see it. Maverick

  • Angharad

    Hi Mav

    The boys are doing great thanks. Liam turns 7 tomorrow -so I'm trying to get everything together for a party of about 25, 6/7 year olds on Sunday

    Sorry to hear about your kidney stones - hope the pain isnt so bad now

  • FMZ

    Unfortunately not having read the book, therefore nothing to compare the movie to, I thought it was great.

    As I am a Brad Pitt fan (he is actually a very good actor), I think he played the role very well, and was well suited to the part. He developed his character very well throughout the movie, not getting stuck in "arrogant bastard" mode. His action scenes were played with the panache that I would think an arrogant hero like Achilles would have had.

    Eric Bana also played very well, acting well alongside Peter O'toole. Bana is a good strong actor, and looked to fit the part also very well. As someone else said on this thread, it was great seeing O'toole back in action, he hasn't lost any of his on-screen charisma.

    Orlando Bloom, on the other hand... I couldn't stand watching him in this movie. He plays Legolas very well in LOTR, but here he just could not find the spot. He constantly seemed too tense, even when he is supposed to be fun loving. What is worse is that I caught a spot of "Actor / Character" syndrome... I now can't help but think of him surrendering during his duel, grovelling at Bana's feet.

    All in all though, I'd say it is a great movie. If you don't mind your kids seeing the occasional ass and a spurt of blood here and there, kids would really enjoy it too.

    9.5 / 10


  • Sassy

    We're supposed to go see Troy.. also want to see the Punisher..

    my bf's days are off when I am working.. and vice versa.. this really messes up movie and going out

  • joannadandy

    I also had to go see Shrek 2 first...my nephew....but I plan to go see Troy very soon. I can't wait.

    I always thought Hector was such a tragic and touching figure, I am curious as to how he is portrayed in the movie considering this is the Brad Pitt moviethon.

    Oh yeah, and I have also decided from now on, all men should have to wear the Greek warrior garb...YUM!

  • Maverick

    Hey Joannadandy there are penty of guys you don't want to see dressed like those Greeks...trust me! Maverick

  • gitasatsangha
    Oh yeah, and I have also decided from now on, all men should have to wear the Greek warrior garb...YUM!

    They'll never get me into a Greek Mini-He-Skirt!

  • Sassy

    I finally got to see Troy yesterday... We enjoyed it. I even cried during one part... but don't tell..

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