Just saw the movie Troy!

by Maverick 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Maverick

    I'm not a Brad Pitt fan but the movie was very good. They took some liberties with Homer's work but I was impressed none the less! Maverick

  • Special K
    Special K

    I'm jealous you saw it before me....

    The trailers look very good.

    special K

  • logansrun

    I heard there was some T & A in that movie. True?


  • truthseeker1

    If so Logans, I'm there! But I have to see Shrek 2 first GF's pick

  • Soledad

    yes it is very good. not too much t&a brad pitt looks yummy (and Im not a fan so that says a lot)

  • Crazy151drinker

    Get a new one

  • Insomniac

    I took my mom to see it. As we came out, one of the employees at the theater asked me if we'd enjoyed it. When I told her that the book was better in my opinion, she said "Cool! There's a book based on this?" Struck me kinda funny.

    Honestly, I thought it was a fun movie, but Brad Pitt is not a strong enough actor to portray someone like Achilles. I liked Eric Bana, though.

  • patio34

    I enjoyed it, but don't think it rated 4. Maybe 3

    It seemed to showcase Pitt too much; it was too "spectacular" in an ostentatious way; and the other young actors weren't handsome enough against Pitt. What i mean is the actors playing Hector and Paris should have been much larger and good-looking. Maybe a tall Tom Cruise and a younger Tom Selleck. Or Tom Selleck would have been better as Trojan King Priam. As the sons were pretty young and their father would more naturally have been young. Peter O'Toole was more grandfatherly-looking.

    Just my 2 cents. Over all I enjoyed it.


  • simplesally

    I saw it............but I was so mad that the King didn't listen to his sons........I know, you can't change the ending or the book but I was like, hey why listen to omens, listen to your sons.

    I wish I had seen Van Helsing.

  • gitasatsangha

    I saw it last Saturday.

    My complaints:

    It needed the Olympians' involvement, but I suppose this was an attempt to show the Trojan War as a true historical event. Even so, it was supposed to have taken 10 years, not 12 days. This was more like The Trojan Blitzkreig. I couldn't quite understand why they had Achilles and some of the other Greeks living in Mongolian "yurt" tents. Late Bronze Age war, but few actual bronze weapons. Agamennon is killed by Polydora in the movie, but it was more interesting in the Illiad that Clytemnestra killed Agemennon for sacrificing their daughter. Helen isn't captured by Menelaeus. Hector's baby isn't thrown from the tower. Paint drying is more interesting then Odysseus. The list goes on and on. Why screw with a good thing?

    Good things:

    It was good to see Peter O'Toole acting. I kept waiting for him to get a crazed expression on his face and start yelling "No Prisoners!." Whoever it was that played Meneleus nailed it. Whoever played Helen is hot. I could watch her in many similarly not-wonderful movies and be happy.

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