
by New Castles 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sassy

    That's nice New C.. maybe you can stay in contact.. help her see the hypocrasy of the WTS.. so she can let go of the burden of discipline and instead live and enjoy her life!

  • galaxy7

    good for you. I bet you made her feel good

  • Quotes

    By your friends actions, it appears that WitchPower Cult Inc. still has some control over her.

    Help her to adjust to her Brave New World!!!

  • Corvin

    New Castles, you did such the right thing in going after her. It just might be the thing to set her free.

    Recently I introduced my dear childhood sweetheart to this forum. We had not seen each other in 20 years! She recognized me in the Radio Shack about 5 weeks ago, and just like your friend, timidly told me she was disfellowshipped. I looked her right in the eye and told her I was too. But I went further than that. I told her that the WTS would say I were apostate.

    We ended up talking for 2 hours in the Radio Shack parking lot and I told her about the UN thing and lots of other stuff. She said that running into me is so strange because she had been thinking about me, and was talking to her mother, a fader, just that morning about some of her issues. She had even called an elder regarding one of them and was repelled by the elder's ignorant answer. By the end of our conversation that day, she said that she felt so much better; I think the words she used were "free" and "liberated", but she said that suddenly she was guilt-free and could now move on. She no longer feels as though she needs to go back. She has certainly been through enough bullshit with the Society. She needed someone she trusted to give her something substantive that would either confirm and validate her doubts or help adjust her thinking so she could return to the org.

    As a result, two people who loved and cared for each other 20 years ago, seemingly forever lost to one another, reconnected. I have my sister back and my wife now has a new best friend, and my kids now have a new and exciting "auntie" to get to know.

    I could cry when I think of what the WTBTS does to its members with their disfellowshipping practices.

    If you feel it is appropriate, keep after her and give her what you can in the way of comfort and accurate knowledge about the supposed "accurate knowledge" she has been burdened with.

    Good Luck!




    And well done. Doesn't it feel great to be free to think for yourself and to shed that self-righteouss, judgemental cape????????that dubs are so concerned about. I was unfairly DF'ed and i know how it feels to be shunned. I now look for DF'ed people to speak to and it feels wonderful.

    Good for you!

    Cheers, bliss

  • bull01lay

    I can't believe you did that NC - Good for you!!!

    It takes an incredible amount of courage to throw off those instilled reactions - I'm soooooooooooooo glad you had the strength and presence of mind to make your own decision. Isn't it a scary, but also liberating, experience!!!!!

    Maybe as disfellowshipped / disassociated / fallen away 'lambs', we ought to make it a point to say hello to old compadres ?? You never know, maybe there are more out there with the strength that NC has shown than we realise !!!

    Be careful though, remember bad associations spoil.......................

  • lilsx1

    Aw thankyou for talking to her - I can feel that pain I guess that is why I say thankyou - for people you have known and loved your entire life ignore you it hurts so bad and it is so sweet of you to talk to that person... *yay*!!! I think disfellowshipping is horrible and wrong and I have no idea where they got it from but telling that to the JWs is a waste of breath, hehe, I've tried it!!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Way to go Castles!!!! I betcha that made her day. My best friend is DF'd and sometimes she'll call me out of the blue just say that she saw so-and-so and they talked to her.

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! I hope you keep in touch, that would be a great thing

    chevy of the 'suddenly got a hanckerin for beer' class

  • codeblue

    Good for you!!!

    I am sure she felt "unconditional love" like she has never felt before with your kindness you have shown her.


  • Mum

    Quotes is right. You're on the right track, NC. I hope you'll keep in touch with her and help her to come to understand what a gift she has been given by the WT -- freedom of thought as well as the other freedoms offered to citizens of the free world.

    Are you still an active JW?



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