Why JW Enemies Will Fail? - A Consultant's Analysis

by reason 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Leolaia you just said what I have been saying. JWs are the only people that BUY JW books on a regular basis.

  • reason

    Your conduct, attitude, manner of speech, avatar, all of these shows what sort of hearts you people have. I can't feel the holy spirit operating in you people. The first time i exposed myself to apostates, I was imagining matured people, more matured than the JW's. What i got is you people. Very dissappointing. All i see are avatars of twisted fleshly parts, people swearing, people jeering, SatanSaints etc.

  • PopeOfEruke


    I T consultant = unemployed. <<< OR>>>> IT consultant = Indian.


  • Flash

    Boy, are you self-righteous! ...It's people like you who disappoint me.

  • flower

    I would like to know why this loser is being allowed to throw insults around like this and not be deleted.

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    Your conduct, attitude, manner of speech, avatar, all of these shows what sort of hearts you people have. I can't feel the holy spirit operating in you people. The first time i exposed myself to apostates, I was imagining matured people, more matured than the JW's. What i got is you people. Very dissappointing. All i see are avatars of twisted fleshly parts, people swearing, people jeering, SatanSaints etc.
    The Bible clearly defined what an apostate is: loose morals, like dogs returning to their vomit, arrogant and haughty, impatient, cynics, causing divisions, have trouble following authority-all of these qualities, all summed up, i saw here.

    If i am Simba, i wouldn't want people like you in Pride Land. You people will only cause trouble and problems. You are the Scar's and Hyenas whose place is in the Elephant's graveyard.

    You people are just a bunch of losers with wicked hearts and empty minds. I wish the Watchtower magazine will feature more about apostates.

    The kind of comments i get on this forum just shows the quality of people you are.
    If this is not insulting hate speech then I dont know what is.

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