Brie, wheat crackers, and a bottle of Merlot... a simple pleasure.

by FMZ 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    Anything good would be ok for me right now. got a chinese soupe today and nothing seems to be appealing in here !

  • ApagaLaLuz
    I have 8 bird feeders, 3 squirrel feeders, a pond full of Koas and a bullfrog named Herman.

    Oh! That sounds fabulous. One of these days after I stop my grass from dying I want to have a yard like that. I can just picture it. Although bullfrogs scare me, the Koas sound great!

  • arrowstar

    I have a bird feeder on my little patio and I love to watch the birds. I enjoy looking at my little flowering plants. The smell of my gardenias.

    That first cup of coffee in the morning.

    There really are quite a number of simple pleasures I enjoy.

    thank you for this thread and for reminding me that all in all....Life is good


  • bisous

    a simple pleasure that I achingly miss, having moved from my home....

    1 backpack,stuffed with lightweight blanket, bottle of red,matches,bottle of water,marshmallows...jump in the car with my little puppy, drive across the bay to the Pacific Coast (Inverness), park car side of road, hike through wildflowers and birds and up a dune till you alight upon the coast and the great dark drink... intermittently chase the puppy through the sand, roll a bit in it, wade some, then gather driftwood, find that perfect long stick, build a good fire, spread blanket, sip wine, at some point toast the 'mallows....gaze into the horizon watching the sun set, listening to the hypnotic beat of the waves.......................

  • LyinEyes

    I love cheese, crackers and wine myself , FMZ. I just finished off a bottle of white merlot the other day ,,,,,,,,not all in one day , took me two days.., it was delish.

    Today our family , my son's g/f , and another kids down the block, went to the lake. It cost us three dollars to get into the "beach" part and we took along our own snacks, cokes, so it was really one of the almost free things there are to do in our area. The kids had a blast,,,,,it was the perfect weather, the dog even went and we sat and watched her chase butterflies, and jump off the pier after a thrown ball. It was amazing how this Lab , could swim for hours without stopping.

    My daughter and I made "sand people" on the beach , it has been along time since I have gotten down in the sand like that,,, I felt like a little girl again.

    All in all , it was a lazy, easy going day for us and we plan on doing that more this summer.

  • avishai

    Try throwing in some pear slices w/ the brie and crackers

  • FMZ

    It's good to read of everyone else's simple pleasures. It really is the simple things in life that make it all worthwhile.

    Avi, I might have to try that. I sometimes get grapes to go with it, never tried pear.


  • Country_Woman

    listening to (soft) music, with something to drink and/or eat watching a bird nestling in my backyard.

    there is so much to enjoy.

  • Country_Woman

    edited for double posting

  • hippikon

    Sitting in front of the TV in my undies watching cricked, Drinking beer, farting and eating crisps.

    Life just doesn?t get any better.

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