To the pro-war america haters

by IronGland 30 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    Six, I won't even dignify this post with a response to it's content or intent.

  • myauntfanny

    #1 Ribbon My favorite political post so far, and there have been some good ones.

  • Simon

    There are no American haters on this board. If you think there are, you should suggest to your therapist that you are having paranoid episodes

  • Corvin
    CNN/Time poll shows 51% against the war. Why do you pro war people hate america? America: love it or leave it.

    I do not understand this statement. Is that 51% of Americans? If 51% of Americans are against the war they are not "pro war".

    Since when did prefering peace become Synonymous with hating America?


  • myauntfanny

    I think this was very dry sarcasm. The way I understood it is as follows: Many people have called it anti-American to be against the war because the majority of Americans were for it. Now that the majority (51%) of Americans are against it, by the same reasoning it must now be anti-American to be for the war. Perhaps I was being too subtle in my analysis, in which case hopefully Irongland will set me straight.

  • Simon

    Ahh ... that explanation makes sense.

    The problem is, some people really do believe this "anti American" nonsense. If 99% of Americans wanted something they didn't then they would still declare themselves the only true patriots and everyone else "anti"

  • myauntfanny
    If 99% of Americans wanted something they didn't then they would still declare themselves the only true patriots and everyone else "anti"

    True, but then they would be considered the lunatic fringe again. How I long for that day to return.

  • Corvin

    Yes, that explanation seems to fit.

    Iron, delivery is everything

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    If the majority of Americans were for the war it's because the Bush Administration was illegally yelling fire when there was no fire. Thousands of people, both American and Iraqi, were trampled on the way to Bush's yet to be found exit door.

    President Bush is a political dead duck and his recent downward spiraling approval ratings are raining down like buckshot all around him.


  • ThiChi

    Your claim begs the questions: 1. What is the margin of error? 2. Why do most Americans polled say Bush is better than Kerry at foreign Policy, by a large margin? 3. Since we are a republic what is your point? Go Bush..............

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