Do you fear the big A and does the conflict impact your actions?

by Maverick 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Ooooooooh, the Big AAAAAAAA. Ha, I get it now, I thought you were talking about something COMPLETELY different. :) j/k

    I'm actually at peace regarding that now. I do not believe the Witnesses literal interpretation of the "big A" (glad we're calling it that by the way since I always forget how to spell it)

    When I was a witness, there was this nagging fear in the back of my head. I worried about it all the time. Now I do not. I dont think I "sin" because I'm not afraid of the "big A". I remember them teaching that if people didnt have that fear, and have someone higher to answer to then their life would be chaos. This is a LIE, you dont not have to live in fear in order to live a wholesome life as a good productive person.

    to be honest with you I think more about the big "O" then the big "A" ;) (just had to throw that in there and ruin a perfectly good topic)

  • Brummie

    Funny post Chevy haha

    the big "O"


  • Perry

    I think people who have exchanged their life for Christ have no fear at all and are quite trustful of the outcome.

    Likewise, non-believers have no fear either because, well they are non-believers.

    I do think that a large portion of JW's fear the big A because the WT teaches that they can never really be sure of their relationship with God. It is wholly dependent upon how well they treat "Christ's brothers"... ie. run faster, jump highter etc. They know they are not Christ's brothers and have been convinced that God wants it that way.

  • new light
    new light

    The Big A is not even a blip on my radar screen. It does not exist whatsoever. Thanks for the reminder of how far we've come.

  • Maverick

    Nice to hear from you Brummie, I'm recovering slowly. And Chevy the big "O" is the reason I told Brummie, "slowly"! That's the topic of my next thread! Maverick

  • boa

    I used to fear it in the sense that I thought a moments inattention would disqualify me as a jdub.

    I no longer fear it since I must be reconvinced that the bible is God's word and that there is even a God....sheesh

    Thus, there is no conflict, only good times till I die.


  • obiwan

    I did for a while, that is until I started researching the WT and found out how full of crap they are. Then I realized it's all for show, they want you to be scared.

  • Flowerpetal

    Someone on another board I post on mentioned a long time ago that perhaps we all face and go through our own little armageddons in our lives. At the time, I thought she was a bit nuts, but now I think she could be right. In looking at programs on the History Channel, Discovery and A&E on Biblical subjects, especially the book of Revelation, some scholars have suggested that it is about mostly about conquering thru faith. And even in one chapter and verse in Revelation, Jesus said he would reward the one who conquers. That makes a lot of sense. All Armageddon would prove, the WT way, is that God is stronger than humans and we already know that. So I don't believe it will be the destruction of the majority of mankind with only a fe saved. IF Armageddon does turn out to be a real war, perhaps it's the one after Satan is released from the abyss when the 1000 yrs. is up...after all in Revelation 20:8 says Satan will mislead nations and gather them for the war. Seems like that would be the time propaganda would be delivered to mislead the nations. (How do you turn this highlighter off)?

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