The Watch Tower Gave its Blessing to the US Army Fighting in WWI

by Leolaia 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gopher

    I heard from my dad, that a "Bible Student" (as they were then known) actually participated in WWI. It must have been a conscience matter. However, I heard he was encouraged by his "brethren" to shoot over the heads of the enemies. (As if that would really be a possible strategy while in the heat of battle!)

  • Leolaia
    Leolaia might like this:

    Origin of the "Stand Fast" Movement

    We begin our narrative with the eventful year 1917. The writer, a consecrated child of God, was then living with relatives on a farm in one of the North Central States. The Great World War was in progress. The writer was a "Conscientious Objector," though his relatives were very patriotic. America had entered the war, and the "Selective Draft" was occupying everyone?s attention. The very air seemed charged or electrified by the war spirit.

    One day there came to him through the mails a book entitled "The Finished Mystery." This book was represented to be the long looked-for "Seventh Volume," from the pen of the late Pastor Russell, published posthumously. Was it indeed the "Seventh Volume"? The writer, like many others, accepted it as such; not because of critical examination, but mainly because of his confidence in the brethren who sent it forth. Upon reading it he found therein various interesting and helpful things, and also several pages devoted to a discussion of war and "patriotism."

    Shortly after receiving the book the writer journeyed to another state to attend a convention of Bible Students. One of the discourses at this convention was given by the brother who had compiled that portion of "The Finished Mystery" dealing with Revelation. In that sermon some of those who had refused to accept the "Seventh Volume" as such were represented to be the "murmurers" of the "Penny Parable" in the 20th chapter of Matthew.

    The president of the Society was also present at that convention. His addresses and his personal private conversations made it quite plain that he believed that true Christians should not participate in war. He gave personal advice to this effect, to various "conscientious objectors."

    That convention made a profound impression on the writer, as well as on many others.

    Yielded Under Pressure

    Early in 1918 Governmental pressure was becoming very great against the Society and its Board of Directors, of whom the president was one. That Spring the writer visited a family of very dear and well known "truth people" in a neighboring State. These friends had refused on religious grounds to support the war in any manner. Consequently their neighbors and fellow townsmen had begun a boycott against them. They could not buy or sell; they were threatened with mob violence and annoyed in various other ways. In the public square, close to the railway station, had been erected a large monument of concrete, painted yellow. Upon its four sides in large black letters were all their names, with the word "SLACKERS."

    In their extremity they had sent a telegram to the president of the Society, asking for further advice. Imagine their surprise when they received his answer now advising them to yield! Most Bible Students are familiar with the subsequent rapid developments-the orders from Brooklyn to delete certain pages from "The Finished Mystery," because they were objectionable to the Government, and later the entire suppression of the book itself; the change in the attitude of the Watch Tower Editorial Committee, which was reflected in the columns of the Watch Tower, in which they sought to show that they had not been opposed to the draft nor to the war, and finally their conviction and imprisonment.

    We are not here discussing the merit or demerit of their case or of their actions, but are merely directing attention to the fact that these brethren under pressure changed their course. That change or compromise in the policy and teachings of the Society?s leaders marked the beginning of an exodus of many brethren from the I.B.S.A., especially in the western states. About one-half of the number of our little class formally withdrew from the Society and from its fellowship at that time. Thus it is noted that the aforesaid reversal in the teachings and policy of the Watch Tower Society was the first cause for the "Stand Fast" Movement.

    The Movement Organized

    The brethren in the West now appointed a "Committee of Seven," consisting of elders from various classes, principally of the Pacific Coast region. A little paper was started, called, "Old Corn Gems," based upon Jos 5:10-12 as a type. It consisted mainly of excerpts from the old Watch Towers which seemed to have a bearing upon the issues involved. This little journal was compiled and edited chiefly under the direction of a brother in western Canada.

    It became apparent that the "Stand Fast" brethren in general were in need of some personal service, hence several elders of ability offered to go forth as Pilgrims. These were called "Comforters," and their mission was to encourage the friends to "stand fast." Two or three of these Comforters came into the Central States. The writer was impressed with their sincerity, their stand, and their message. A special feature of their message was the suggestion that the closing earthly activities of the church must be enacted in the West. A few Scriptures were cited which seemed to support such a thought, but the conclusion was based mostly upon deduction. They reasoned: Has not the Gospel message always spread westward throughout the age? Is not this Stand Fast movement confined principally to the West, where it also originated? One of the slogans was, "The Lord?s business requires haste." This was later proved to be wrongly applied, for the Lord has not been in haste in His dealings with His people.

    The group that walked out soon found another hall where the business meeting was resumed and "finished." One of the first acts was by a vote that was practically unanimous, to "abolish" the Committee of Seven. Then followed their convention proper, with its fellowship, and addresses by several speakers. Meanwhile the "Committee" brethren continued their convention in the original hall.

    After the Division

    Even though there had been this separation, both groups still held many views in common. Both believed in and held to the "Finished Mystery" as the Seventh Volume. Both believed that the saints were all "sealed," that the door to the High Calling was closed, and that the Harvest ended in the spring of 1918. Both believed that the majority of those who had remained in the I.B.S.A. were of the "Great Company Class."

    From the beginning of 1920 our knowledge of events among the "Committee brethren" was necessarily limited to observation, reports, and only occasional contact. Therefore, we can relate in detail only our own personal experiences among the separated friends with whom we were directly associated. It is our desire to simply state the facts, without bias, and as kindly as possible.

    One of the burning questions in those days was, What shall be our attitude toward the I.B.S.A.?

    We said, Surely there should be no fellowship with any who had deliberately "compromised" the Truth. Hence some of our speakers taught that it was wrong to shake hands with I.B.S.A. members, for handshaking was "fellowshipping." A considerable number of us hastily accepted that teaching, and among them was the writer. He did not retain such an idea very long, however but long enough to do no little harm. One dear old sister crippled and nearly blind, and very dear to the writer, had remained in the I.B.S.A. He now deemed it his duty to actually disfellowship that old sister. But it was not long before he saw the error of such an attitude toward those who claim full consecration. One day later, in a business meeting, he arose and tried to tell of that experience and of his subsequent convictions, but was ruled "out of order" by those who controlled the meeting. They did not want anything said against their teachings on "fellowship This incident illustrates only one example of the strange vagaries in doctrine and conduct which gained a foothold among the "Stand Fast" groups. Later many of the friends came to see that their "no shake" theory was unreasonable, and relinquished it. For a considerable time, however, many still avoided calling the I.B.S.A. friends "brothers"; but the very logic of events during the years that have followed have compelled most of the "Stand Fast" brethren to discard such "hard boiled" doctrines. All the while their hearts have been better than their heads?otherwise the Lord would have cast them off.

    Another Division

    That very extreme attitude on "Fellowship" was the principal cause of the next division in the "Stand Fast" ranks. A number of us soon found ourselves separated from the other brethren who still held these extreme views. Though we could see later that unwise methods were used to bring about this separation, yet we could not but rejoice in the measure of Christian liberty that had been regained. But we did not yet realize that we still held another major misconception.

    Neither did we see various snares and pitfalls that lay ahead of us.

    As already stated, nearly all "Stand Fast" Bible Students regarded their departure from the I.B.S.A. as a separation of the "very elect" Little Flock from the Great Company. But now that the S. F. brethren themselves were dividing, there must be some explanation for that?since there can be but one "little flock." The explanation was that the Lord is testing and sifting the "very elect" from all others?"gathering out all things that offend. So the individuals in each aggregation tried to believe that their particular group constituted the "very elect." On this point some of our brethren had some very strong convictions. Others of us saw that the friends of the other groups had just as good a right to claim this precious relationship for themselves as we had.

    Seeing this, some made it an issue; with the result that several brethren left our class, either to form another class or else to join one of the existing classes.

    Meanwhile all the friends in most of the Stand Fast classes were diligently studying the "Seventh Volume," and almost, if not quite, neglecting the Six Volumes. For the time being, many of the teachings of the six were overlooked or forgotten?even such subjects as "Character Development," "The Basis of Christian Fellowship," "Abiding in Christ," and "bearing Witness to the Truth." Instead of devoting time to these necessary things all were interested in "The Standing Period," and in trying to fathom "the time and manner of our deliverance," or "the mark of the beast." The last named subject occupied much time and attention for a long while. Anyone who had bought a Liberty Bond, or had supported any of the war issues was deemed to have received the "mark of the beast." We felt that it was wrong even to buy "war bacon" from the Government after the war was over.

    Clearer Vision

    How clear it seems to us now that the "mark of the beast" has existed all down through the age, and that each and all of the 144,000 must needs pass that test. Though the modern issues just named doubtless have some bearing on the subject, yet its meaning is much more comprehensive than that. By a comparison of Scripture we find that the "mark" in the hand and forehead had to do with the characteristics of the Papal Beast. But it is not necessary to be a Roman Catholic to have the "mark of the beast." The matter includes religious intolerance and sectarianism generally. Each member of the Little Flock, on the other hand, will have the character (or characteristics of the Heavenly Father and of His dear Son as a mark or "seal" in their heart, forehead and hand. How evident it is that some who stood all the "war tests? later have demonstrated that they were deficient along other lines of Christian character. Our hearts go up in gratitude to God for granting us an opportunity to learn of Him and develop in Christlikeness.

    How very few of us were ready for the Kingdom in 1918, even though we were opposed to war! When we looked about us we soon saw that other Stand Fast classes were having similar difficulties to our own. Since nearly every one believed that the Harvest had ended in 1918, it was deemed impossible to resume the witness work that had been interrupted, and improper to attempt; and to cooperate in the work of the Society was entirely out of the question, since it was now on a bypath and had begun to corrupt its former clear message of Present Truth.

    Consequently the time of the Stand Fast brethren was taken up in waiting, in watching the world?s developments, in studying the volumes, especially "Volume 7," and in discussing the faults of other groups of brethren.

    Gradually it began to dawn upon us that we as Bible Students had wandered away from the green pastures of the true Shepherd.

    In our study, even of "Volume 7," which we accepted as a "divine message" we found statements about the "regathering" of "scattered sheep." But what were we doing about it? We then began to see our other brethren in a friendlier light; and our own faults and mistakes began to appear more prominent. Finally we were prompted to send out a circular letter to all Stand Fast classes and others, expressing our regrets for our mistakes, and signifying our desire to cooperate with all consecrated brethren who were still loyal to all the volumes of Scripture Studies. But this letter brought little response of encouragement.

    The "Elijah Voice" Movement

    Later, in the summer of 1922, some Stand Fast brethren came up from the South, who too were tired of inactivity and were now trying to "do something" amongst the Bible Students. One of them was a dear brother who had been confined in Federal Prison for refusal to bear arms for conscience sake. While in prison, and solitary confinement, he had studied the "Seventh Volume," even to memorizing many quotations from Brother Russell about "executing judgments" on "Babylon" (Christendom) and about our helping the "Great Company." Like the writer, he also had come to believe in a "regathering" of the "scattered sheep."

    This dear brother had conceived a plan of action and had presented it to some of the other Stand Fast classes, but without response. But when we heard his plan, we decided to adopt it and to help put it into operation. A little society was then organized for doing a "regathering" work and for "proclaiming the Truth" as a witness?especially the message against Babylon as emphasized in "The Finished Mystery," which we regarded as a timely, prophetic voice. It was thought then that such a proclamation would gradually attract the Lord?s scattered people to true "standard," awaken the Great Company, bring deliverance to the Little Flock, and finally cause the destruction of mystic Babylon. This movement was named "The Elijah Voice Society." We of the E.V.S. fully believed that the true "Elijah Class" would be gathered into it and clearly manifested As being separate and distinct from all others. Membership cards were provided for all who would join in the movement; "by-laws" were adopted; and a small monthly journal was issued. Tracts were also printed from time to time. All literature was free, the work being supported only by voluntary contributions. Public meetings were held wherein special stress was laid on "executing the judgments written," "The Battle of Armageddon," and kindred subjects.

    Every member helped with the work; and the brother who originated the plan labored early and late, writing, speaking and teaching.

    False Hope and Disillusionment

    It was confidently expected that as the little movement gathered momentum, all right-minded Bible Students everywhere would rally to our cause. This was based on the picture of "Gideon?s Three Hundred." At least a literal 300 were looked for to take active part. We reasoned that there must still be that many of the Little Flock left on the earth. For a time we were very happy, because here at last was an active "truth" movement with something definite as an objective. We had escaped from the rut of idleness and we were animated with a genuine desire for the blessing of others.

    But again sad disappointment was in store for us. Not only did the public give but little heed to our message, but we also found that many of the independent Bible Students were now suspicious or fearful of "organizations" of all kinds, or else had become indifferent to activity if not to the truth itself. Hence only a few here and there, mainly in the West, became interested enough to join in the "Elijah Voice" movement.

    "Glorification in the flesh," from 1918 onward, had been one of the strong tenets of the Stand Fast movement. This doctrine, based on Psalm 149:5 to 9, was now brought forward, "explained" and elaborated upon in the "Elijah Voice" literature. Twelve Papers were issued, setting forth the essential doctrines of Present Truth, and particularly the duties of the "Elijah Class" relative thereto at the present time. These papers were called "The Twelve Stones"?so named from the typical twelve stones which Joshua set up when the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land. The "altar of stones," which Moses instructed Joshua to erect in Mount Ebal (De 27:1-8; Jos 8:30, 32) was also regarded as a type of the "memorial" to the Truth which we the church, must leave behind.

    Truth Is Seldom Complex

    Our so-called antitypical "Twelve Stones" were quite involved, complicated and difficult to understand. They were accompanied with masses of references and cross-references, citations, comments, and quotations from the Bible, the old Towers, Scripture Studies, and especially from the alleged "Seventh Volume." As we look back upon them now we cannot but contrast them with the "simplicity that is in Christ." Small wonder that many of those who have fed upon such complex spiritual food now have "spiritual indigestion." From 1916 onward many Bible Students have consumed much of their time trying to find "types," or pictures in the Bible and in speculating upon the meaning of their "discoveries."

    Apparently such have forgotten Brother Russell?s sound advice to the effect that types should be used only to corroborate teachings already plainly taught in the Scriptures, and not as foundations on which to build new teachings or theories. How much time has been wasted in such vain speculation! And how much have we neglected the things that are really essential to saintship?the study of Christ; our relation to Him and to the members of His body; sanctification; character development; and faithfulness in bearing witness to the Truth! But let no one think that the Stand Fast, or E.V.S., or other movements retained nothing that was good?though we did waste time in many idle speculations. Like most of the brethren who passed through the original Stand Fast movement, we in the E.V.S. continued?in theory if not always in practice?to cherish all of the old Truth literature which had been published before 1917. But it was regrettable to have mixed the pure truth with error, which tended to make the error attractive to truth lovers. If a religion were "all bad," without anything good mixed with it, very few would ever be deceived or misled by it.

    Various Activities

    As time went on it became more and more apparent that few of the Bible Students would give any heed to the teachings or activities of the E.V.S. We then concluded that if we are now really "glorified in the flesh" and commissioned to "judge" it must be our duty to point out to all exactly wherein they come short. Accordingly a tract for Bible Students was now published in which all brethren who had "compromised" during the war or otherwise were given their share of criticism.

    Those who were still "idle" also received special warning to bestir themselves to service. The bringers forth of "new light" were "shown up." Those who had rejected the "Seventh Volume" were sternly warned and reproved. Apparently the only effect produced by that paper was to make a few more strong opponents of the E.V.S.; though most of the brethren ignored it altogether.

    Those who are familiar with the "Finished Mystery" will recall that it contained numerous predictions for various events to occur at certain stated times. In the Revelation portion of the book it was suggested that the great "Time of Trouble? in which "no man can work" would break in all its fury about 1918; while some of the Ezekiel comments suggested that the last members would be still on earth and doing a great work after 1918. The "last of the Republics" would probably disappear in 1920, it said; while 1921 was to mark "the end of the heavenly way"; and the resurrection of the Ancient Worthies was to occur in 1925.

    The Year 1925

    Most Bible Students understand the Scriptures to teach that both the Little Flock and the Great Company must finish their earthly course before the Ancient Worthies can come forth from the grave. (Heb 11:40) We expected that event in 1925. Hence as the year 1925 drew near, the question loomed large, "How will the Lord take us out of the world? and what will be the means of our glorification?" The E.V.S. brethren felt that surely we must be engaged in some special activity now, for 1925 is out last year on earth! We shall not detail the activities that followed, but only mention them generally.

    Public lectures were given, announcing Christendom?s impending downfall. ?In these, special emphasis was laid on the evils of War, Patriotism, and False Religions. Literature containing "rebukes" was mailed to leaders in the political and religious world. We reasoned that even as our Lord had reproved the Jewish leaders of His day, so now we should reprove their modern counterparts within "Christendom." "Fiery" tracts were distributed especially around the nominal churches. On a certain day special prayer-meetings were held for the specific purpose of praying for the removal of "this mountain" ("Christendom") because we thought the time had come for it to occur.

    Unwise Protest and its Aftermath

    Then followed what was probably the most unwise action of all. Several of the parents among us purposely withdrew their children from the public schools?in protest against the teaching of patriotism and saluting of the flag, which had become compulsory in certain states. Some felt that this would be a test of true discipleship. The E.V.S. elders (of whom the writer was one) gave tacit or express approval. The results of that action (the State law taking its course) should have been sufficient to prove to all of us that the Lord?s people are not yet "glorified" and "in authority"; but evidently it was not. And it now seems that such unwise action on our part proved an unfavorable reaction toward the Truth?at least in the lives of the children concerned, and also in some of their parents. Subsequent developments prove this to be a fact.

    As the end of 1925 approached we were still looking for the deliverance of the church and the culmination of "Armageddon " Accordingly, a "last message" was prepared and sent out to Bible Students. Just as Moses at the close of his career gathered all Israel and exhorted them to be faithful to their Law Covenant, we felt that so we should now exhort the brethren of Spiritual Israel to fulfill their responsibility toward the Truth. This "Valedictory Appeal" was a mingling of confused reasoning and pathos. It fell on deaf ears. But it was apparent that many Bible Students then, as now, had elapsed into a "dead" condition like that of Sardis, and were little interested in spiritual appeals of any kind.

    Trials in 1926

    The year 1926 came on apace. All the predictions in the "Seventh Volume" concerning? events that were to occur in 1918, 1920, 1921, and 1925, had failed. our "spiritual interpretations" of these events also now appeared to be failures. These "spiritual interpretations" represented frantic attempts to find some sort of "fulfillment" that would seemingly fit the various dates in question. Then one dear brother began to point out that our E.V.S. card-membership system was an unscriptural attempt to "number" the Little Flock. He backed his argument by citing King David?s experience when he brought upon himself the Lord?s displeasure for "numbering Israel."

    Several admitted that his point was well taken. The conviction gradually came over us that many of our activities had been unauthorized by the Lord; that much of our "judging" was wrong, being "before the time," and that a great deal of our E.V.S. literature was pure speculation. That being true, the writer felt that he could support the movement no longer. It was evident that there was but one proper course, and that was to formally withdraw from the E.V.S.

    Our withdrawal became an occasion for the issuing of some more literature by those who remained in the E.V.S. It was said that those who withdrew were "lacking in faith and humility."

    One of the writer?s former discourses, "Why We Stand For the Finished Mystery," now came back upon him like a boomerang. He recalled the Scripture, "Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee." We were now receiving some of the same kind of "medicine" that we had been helping dispense to others. But we felt that had we remained in the movement, believing as we did, we should have been lacking in honesty. It is impossible to continue conscientiously to hug to one?s bosom any creed in which one no longer believes. And anyone should admit his mistake when he recognizes it.

    Mistakes Should be Acknowledged

    We are reminded of some comments that appeared in Zion?s Watch Tower in 1896. A religious writer, Mr. Totten, had made predictions of various events which he thought would occur between 1891 and 1895. When all the dates had passed without any of the predicted events happening, Mr. Totten either ignored his former predictions, or else assumed the attitude that they were not to be questioned. Concerning this, Brother Russell wrote: "We must remind our readers that it is nothing uncommon for people to deceive themselves, as well as others. Saul of Tarsus, one of the most zealous and God-fearing men in Israel, was deceived to the extent that he persecuted the church while verily thinking he did God service. Hence, while charging these gentlemen with serious errors, we do not believe they were originally actuated by any desire to deceive. .. But we do find fault with them in that afterward, when they became involved in difficulties from which they could not extricate their theories, either logically or Scripturally, they taught or still teach them instead of refuting them.

    "Mr. Totten, instead of coming out frankly and admitting that thus far his calculations and predictions are certainly erroneous, still infatuated with them, writes in the same positive manner as at first." (A quotation from Mr. Totten follows, after which Brother Russell continues.) ".. who has staked his all, and as it disappears, will not believe the evidence of his senses, but continues to mutter to himself, ?It is so. It must be so, even if it isn?t so."??Z. 1896, pp. 103, 4, 8.

    The Proper Attitude

    Contrast with the above, Brother Russell?s own attitude, as expressed in the beginning of 1914.

    He then wrote: "As already pointed out, we are by no means confident that this year, 1914, will witness so radical and swift changes of dispensation as we had expected. It is beyond the power of our imagination to picture an accomplishment in one year of all that the Scriptures seem to imply should be expected before the Reign of Peace is ushered in. "If October, 1915, should pass, and we should find ourselves still here, and matters going on very much as they are at present, and the world apparently making progress in the way of settling disputes, and there were no time of trouble in sight, and the nominal church were not yet federated, etc., we would feel that evidently we had been out somewhere in our reckoning. In that event we would look over the prophecies further to see if we could find an error."?Z. 1914, pp. 3, 5.

    One of the dear leading brethren who remained in the E.V.S. had previously stated that if the year 1925 should pass without the fulfillment of our expectation, a changed course would become necessary. But when the final year had passed, he with others remained in the E.V.S., still endeavoring to "execute judgments," etc. Later, however, they came to see that the "card membership system" was Babylonish, and eventually discarded it.

    Further secessions from the ranks of the E.V.S. have followed; while some new recruits have also been gained from the other groups. Despite our differences, we esteem these zealous brethren greatly, and truly desire for them the blessing of the Lord.

    (There's more in the original article)

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    And wasn't this the year that the Lord came to inspect the churches?

    I wonder how a dub would reply if you brought this to his or her attention.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    All this is the language of desperation, the language of a man who has staked his all, and as it disappears will not believe the evidence of his senses, but continues to mutter to himself, It is so! It must be so, even if it isn't so!

    Russell's talking about my Dad

  • confusedjw

    This is fascinating. The references cited in the WT substantiate what is said the article from the Herald.

  • hillbilly

    Great stuff............... bttt


  • Badger

    Fantastic, Leo!

    Neutrality, eh?

    Not part of the world, eh?

    "If your son died in a war, you can be sure a witness didn't do it," eh?

    No...but he might've signed the check and cheered him on!

    You forget though, angel...That was OLD LIGHT...the GB was right then...and just as right NOW

    You know, I could be as good at research and deconstructing the WTS's library as AlanF, Blondie or Leo...but I'd have to give up so much of what I love (and, I'm lazy. That's what growing up a bright witness does to most of us...)

    Great work, sis.

    Badger, of the Really Taking In Accurate Knowledge Class.

  • Fatfreek

    Was the following scanned correctly? "...Here the love of truth has for three thousand years attracted from all quarters of the world people who love God, love the Bible and love religious liberty ..."
    If the subject was the United States, should that not have been "three hundred years"?

  • Leolaia

    Yeah that's gotta be a typo, LOL!

    Thanks for catching it and thanks for resurrecting the thread!

  • Bangalore



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