July 1st Watchtower - The brothers are slowing down in their ministry

by truthseeker 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • justhuman

    Wait another 10 years from now and you will see what will the WT article will say?

  • yxl1

    It saddens us, however, to notice that some of our fellow believers have grown spiritually weakened and, as a result, have slowed down or stopped carrying out Christ's command to make disciples.

    so there we have it. Service hours = level of spirituality. So why do they get so defensive when you mention it to 'em?

  • ozziepost
    I think people are voting with their feet and their pocketbook at the KH by attending fewer and fewer meetings and not donating.

    It's Good News Week!!!!

  • MikeMusto

    hey blondie! this fashionistas was shown deep concern when he

    was removed as a ministerial servant-becuase i was below the national average for a year.............lol

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Metatron credits us with ``having an effect" and that's certainly true. The inexorable ticking of the clock, the peeling away of the pages of the calendar month by month and the GB's calcified rigidity in refusing to update their rhetoric to conform to the realities of their situation are also major contributors. Rather than overtly rebel or raise objections to the mind-numbing drumbeat emanating from page and podium, they're ``tuning it out" in increasing numbers.

    The May KM complained that Friday attendance at 3-day district conventions is significantly lower than that for the Saturday and Sunday sessions; imagine what would happen if they dared to try resurrecting the 8-day assemblies of the 50s and 60s!

  • Mary
    The curtain that hides the little man who pretends to be the Wizard of Oz will be opened and DOOM will follow - once the organization's precious facade of Invincibility is ended.

    This is sooooo true. It's funny, they can't seem to make up their minds what to do with inactive ones. A year ago, after the Dateline episode came out, there was a Witch hunt to "root out" any possible corruption with their "Pure Worship" and were Disfellowshipping inactive ones left, right and center, who hadn't gone to the Hall for 10 or 15 years. Interrogations with questions like "do you still consider yourself one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" was the preludge to axing many who had simply drifted away. And yet a year later, they're suddenly "concerned" over inactive ones and think they should be treated with kindness???

    Perhaps they should have THOUGHT before they went on a rampage last year. While that's not the only reason why so many have left, it certainly contributed to it. Tearing families apart, the Blood Issue, the pedophile problem, the UN Scandal, failed prophecies and their demands that you attend 5 meetings a week, prepare for them before hand, go out in Service whenever you have a free second, do more, do more, do more have finally caught up with them and I think they're scared that they're obviously losing control.

    The Govering Body has good reason to be scared. They've got alot to answer for and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes come Judgement Day.

  • cruzanheart
    How though, may we express our concern for them?

    Um, how about the basics of human kindness to the people who ARE making the effort to attend? How about noticing when someone is depressed? How about including the lonely, the old, the young in social activities? How about visiting those who stop going AS SOON AS they stop going and not waiting a year and a half (personal experience here!)? Gee, they might get the idea that you don't care!

    Oh, wait, being concerned about others would take time away from the Worldwide Preaching Work. Can't have that. Gotta get those stats up!


  • xjw_b12

    Thanks Truthseeker.

    Consider the numbers for the February 2004 Service Report, United States.
    Each publisher did: 9.2 hours

    Like those numbers are faithful and true....lol

    P.S. Mary. I love it when you edit a WTBTS quote like. Funny stuff.

  • willyloman

    There is more truth on this one thread than in a year's worth of Watchtowers. Okay, two years.

    Edited to add: Okay, all the Watchtowers ever printed!

  • shotgun

    Poor brothers and sisters

    They need what someone posted the other day

    And my lights are growing dim

    Just take me to the meeting

    Don't forget to plug me in!

    Jolt me with Jehovah's spirit

    Through parts and association

    I know I'll be filled up to the brim

    Plugged in to the congregation!

    Though alone I am a weak battery,

    I can be recharged

    And through these repeated bursts of power

    My "up time" is enlarged!

    Hmmm..could also be used for a Viagra commercial

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