Trying to fade slowly....

by nemo 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nemo

    I am trying to fade slowly, but am finding this increasingly difficult. I can't sit through a meeting, I had to leave at the 1/2 the other day, because of my recent enlightenment, the hypocrisy is to much for me to take. As I left you could see the looks on people faces, "Oh she's just not spritual enough". As though spirituality is measured by your ability to follow along and tell your child to shut up and sit down, to listen to information I could be disfellowshiped later for repeating when it is found out false and inaccurate. I have read more of the bible in the last 2 weeks then I ever have, because I don't feel guilty anymore reading it. Yipee!

    How long did everyone fade?

  • Cassiline

    Hi Nemo welcome to the forum!!

    It took me years to fade and almost 10 years before I was able to feel guilt free. I still to this day question myself at times!



  • logansrun

    It took me a year and a half of intense, clandestine study and reflection before I got the courage never to go back. But no one knew it till that point. In fact, I conducted the book study the week I moved away. The elders tried to phone me but I just didn't pick up.

    Never DFd and they don't bug me now at all.


    (Results may not be typical)

  • Leolaia

    Moving away helps a lot. That's what I did.

  • Cassiline
    (Results may not be typical)

    LOL Brad!


  • ApagaLaLuz

    You're on the right track Nemo.......... that meeting you left at the 1/2 mark, next meeting you'll leave at the 45 minute mark, next meeting will be the 30 minute mark, the next will be the 15 meeting mark, then you'll soon start leaving after the opening song and prayer. Till finally you'll get dressed, drive to the kingdom hall, do a lap around the parking lot and head home.

    In all seriousness though, you really ARE on the right track. I remember a time when I couldnt picture myself NOT going to the meeting on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and service on Saturday. Now I cant picture myself going. Spirtuality is indeed a VERY personal thing.

    I faded for about a month or two till I went to my judical meeting, told them what I had problems with and just stopped.

  • logansrun

    I second the motion on moving away. I moved over an hour away for a couple months (lived with a friend in Chicago) before I settled in an area which was still a good 45 minutes from the last hall I was at.

    The key is: DON'T TALK TO THEM. Unless someone sees you actually doing something un-JWlike (like smoking, but you shouldn't do that anyway ;) they can't do anything.

    Be slippery. Actually become a not-at-home.


  • shotgun

    Hi nemo

    Just keep swimming...... just keep swimming.........swimming, swimming

    Fading works if your not too connected with local family and friends who are dubs.

    Hope it works, I know what you mean about sitting through a meeting once your eyes are open.

  • nemo

    I would move if I could, I have a good job and just bought a condo. So for a little while I will be stuck here. I have alot of friends so I will just tell them I need some time, to short out my situation. I have been slowly having less contact with everyone.

  • TD

    I would think the interval just before a congregation splits would be a good time to get lost in the shuffle.

    Though I have to say I like the way Bradley did it.

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