Posters who make you ROFL

by doodle-v 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    I have to agree with Beautiful Garbage that Expatbrit was one of the funniest people that I've ever come across on the internet. He's even funnier when you meet him IRL and he grins at you the whole time he's spouting off. Other than that...

    Doc (King of the Diet Pop Club) and Syrup are probably my favorite people that I've never met. They're both insane!

    Jo and her sidekick Eye are my favorite girl duo. I can't imagine chat being more fun than with the two of them there.


  • Farkel


    I've done a ton of parodies on the Genesis story. Sorry. I don't know which one you mean. Can you at least give me a little help here? Perhaps I can find it for you.


  • Xena

    Farkel, Naeblis, expat, LT, slippy, FMZ, Big Tex, the trio of Dave, gumby & mini used to make me smile (anyone talking to dave tell him I miss his grumpy old ass will ya?)....

    actually lots of witty people on this board..those are just the ones that come to mind who consistantly make me smile.

  • Simon

    I always like Abbadon's posts ... even if I disagree with them they are just so damn good and he always makes such a good point.

    People who make me laugh? Well ... there are a few. Some I laugh at the stupidity of, some at the genius of, some are really hilarious.

  • gumby

    Sorry Fark....I'm also braindead on that question....I can't remember. All of your stuff is good however. People always enjoy your way of looking at things. have a PM.


  • blondie

    Well, I'm happy now, no one finds me funny or a sex goddess.


  • czarofmischief

    Six' attempts at political dissertation make me laugh.


  • gumby
    Six' attempts at political dissertation make me laugh.


    He can be a riot regardless of the topic. He can do it in a few words. He's the damn "Master of Laughter Bastard! Gumsixlovers

  • Sassy

    I always liked Mac's one Liners..

    and well Sixy.. when he is at his prime moments.. he can say two or three words in a thread that can crack me up.. He hasn't lost his touch through the years..

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey Blondie,

    I'll admire you if you'll admire me...

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