Posters who make you ROFL

by doodle-v 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I find myself funny at times.

  • Badger

    No fair can't gloss yourself

  • doodle-v

    LMAO Badger

    *tosses glitter on Badger and JH*


  • ApagaLaLuz

    JH and Badger congratulating themsleves on their sense of humors

  • Badger

    add to my list:


    BTW: Night Rider RULED

  • shotgun

    I have to admit I miss Paul on the forum, we talk every other week just to have a laugh.

    I find XJW funny........... funny looking.

    Gumby is funny too....well at least he smells funny, he is green I suppose.

    Six always used to crack me up with comments to KGB...... KGB didn't see the humour in it though... too bad, I think it was probably the one thing that he really needed to help him cope with his physical pain.

    Actually your all kind of funny.

    I still marvel at the way those who stray from Jehoovers visible organization are depicted. Hateful, miserable, downright dirty scoundrels shaking hands with Satan and taking potshots at the WT in our spare time....oh shit they're right.

  • Billygoat

    Naeblis is the first to come to mind, but he's not here anymore. Although Cheeses' sarcasm reminds me of Naeb quite a bit. Joannadandy always made me laugh - I wish I knew you in person. Sixy makes me laugh, but I know him in person and he's just down-right adorable. Megadude always makes me laugh too, but it's usually at myself. LOL! Farkel makes me laugh at the same time I want to beat the crap out of him. I know I'll think of more the second I log off...

  • Billygoat
    I still marvel at the way those who stray from Jehoovers visible organization are depicted. Hateful, miserable, downright dirty scoundrels shaking hands with Satan and taking potshots at the WT in our spare time....oh shit they're right.

    Okay...shotgun makes me laugh too! LOLOL!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Everyone on here is funny at times....simply EVERYONE!!!

    Frannie B

  • LittleToe

    I'm not.
    I'm irrelevant...

    Well, actually I'm LittleToe..
    Ok, ok, that's only my screen name. I'm actually called "Ross", but anyway, I'm not "Everyone".
    Is that screen name taken???

    Where am I? Who am I??

    My head hurts....

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