Reason for going to Bethel

by pratt1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • pratt1

    For those of you who are x Bethelites, why did you choose to go to Bethel?

    Was it because of you love for Jehovah, or to get away from your home town and live in New York, or some other reason?

  • Stefanie

    Welcome Pratt

  • Elsewhere

    Pressure from other JWs to be a "good jw"

    The prestige of being a "Bethelite"

  • Sassy

    when I still believed I had always wanted to go....

    but now I wouldn't waste my time..

  • Ex Dub MS
    Ex Dub MS

    Sad 'Bethel people are the bestest' story:

    My Dad used to sit at the dining room table and admonish my sisters not to bother with any man unless they were Bethelites. "Why get a bologna sandwich when you can get steak instead?" He would say.

    Well my older sister's first 'steak sammich' was pretty close to getting sent out to speak at special assembly events when he was caught cheating on her. Somehow he managed to avoid being disfellowshipped while not being the least bit sorry--he married the girl he was doinking around with. Steak #2 cheated on her after a couple years. She forgave him and that wasn't enough. He moved out, got df'ed and never admitted to having sex with anyone else. Soooo by WTS standards she wasn't free to remarry until he got around to saying, "Oh--by the way..."

    Being a Bethelite means you volunteered to work at Bethel. Nothing more, nothing less. You can still completely suck ass at being a human being.

  • Dogpatch

    I really believed we were so close to the end when I signed up in 1974, that it was like a "sin" to me not to sign up. It was a good thing I did, because it taught me a lot about people, authoritarian religions, and how people are deceived by them.

    My story:

    Bethel Pages:

    Bethel Guest Log:

    Net Soup!

  • pratt1

    I grew up as a Dub in Brokklyn, so it always amazed me that the Bethelites that attended my hall was seriously flawed in many cases and not the Christian examples that everyone assumed.

    I'm new to the board, however I am excited to have the opportunity to trade wars stories with fellow Freedom Fighters.

    Thanks for the warm welcome.

  • undercover

    I didn't go to Bethel even though I was encouraged to. I knew deep down that it wasn't for me. The regimented schedule, living in a big city, working your ass off, etc, etc. I knew I wouldn't be happy. So, I don't have an answer as to "why" one would want to go. However...

    I have known bunches of Bethelites. Most of them went because it was the "thing" to do. There were some who actually believed that Bethel was heaven on earth and that Jehovah meant for them to be there, but they were the few and far between. Out of the ones I knew, I'd say less than 20% really believed that Bethel was a special calling.

    I have noted also that those leaving Bethel seem to fall into two categories:

    1. Super Dub. Move into whatever territory and are instanty appointed elder, pioneer, etc. They are usually Type A personalities, but usually friendly. Occasionally one has a real attitude problem. Bethel was actually a good thing for them. Taught them control and discipline. These Bethelites usually come out into the real world ready to start their own business. It may be a cleaning/painting/landscaping business that we make fun of, but it is still a daunting task to run your own business (not to mention get 70+ hours a month in service). They are successful at their business and in their ministry. They are usually company men though.

    2. Disallusioined Dub. Spend the minimum amount of time(or even less if they can't hack it) at Bethel and come back home. Live with Mom & Dad, work several part time jobs, do the minimum required at the hall so as to not be "counseled". Never really find their niche in life back home. If you know one of these closely enough, they may tell you horror stories of things that happened at Bethel. It's almost like they are suffereing from post-traumatic syndrome.

  • logansrun

    I think a lot of JW boys go to Bethel to get GIRLS. Families with GIRLS from all over the world flock to Bethel by the droves and stare at the "good spiritual and available young men." Through their Bethel contacts they can network to find more GIRLS. And if they come back home from Bethel they can be admired by all the GIRLS in their home circuit.

    As one Bethel elder told me, "It's just the way we were made...." hehe...

  • Corvin

    One of the most absurd reasons I have ever heard for someone going to Bethel was when a young brother knew he had gay tendencies and figured Bethel would protect him from his urges.

    I wonder if the halls of Bethel have places where the brothers cruise for dudes . . . ?


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