Pics of gun-toting Marine in Church???

by Schizm 39 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim


    You wouldn't know a true Christian if they blessed you. ALL christians are Jews by adoption. So, I can be like David, a Warrior and a man after God's own heart. Read the bible a little why don't ya...see what God's word says about soldiers...of any nation.

  • Schizm

    As to being a true Christian, Yeru, when my life is over I will be able to say that I haven't shed the blood of another man. Will you be able to say the same? Those Israelites who took part in shedding the blood of other humans did so at God's command. Can you say that God has commanded YOU to shed human blood?


  • Cassiline
    No, my premise is not stupid. I didn't use the wrong word! In addition to all the reports that one can read regarding this man's being a Marine, and the fact that he got killed while doing what he believed in, the fact that the following picture was displayed on a large screen in the Church also attests to my correct usage of the word "glorified".

    Sooooooooo it is ok to kill babies, men, women and childeren in Gods name but not ok for anyone else who supossedly learned this thing called killing from God, eh?

    You're argument makes no sense IMO.

    Kill in the name of God but no one else right? IMO all death is sensless no matter if its by Gods command or mans.


  • ThiChi

    Amazing did a good job here regarding this subject:

  • Schizm


    IMO all death is sensless no matter if its by Gods command or mans.

    You should be addressing that remark to Yeru, instead of me. Afterall, it's him who wears the military uniform. Do you know how to spell P-R-E-J-U-D-I-C-E ?

  • Schizm



    Mr. Amazing is not half the scholar you think he is. Also, isn't it true that he no longer even considers the Bible to be inspired of God? Isn't it just simply amazing how person's who have no faith in the Bible are supposedly the ones who understand it the best. Yes, simply Amazing!

  • Cassiline
    IMO all death is sensless no matter if its by Gods command or mans.
    You should be addressing that remark to Yeru, instead of me. Afterall, it's him who wears the military uniform. Do you know how to spell P-R-E-J-U-D-I-C-E ?


    Did I not say that all death is senseless? When you realize where I live and what I do for a living you may say my morals are skewed as well. But Yeru and I are sister and brother of sorts?that?s the way I see it. He is a military man?I counsel military/civilian personnel. I live on a military base all in all I live a military lifestyle. I do not agree with everything Yeru says or does as I know we have gone rounds in the past?this I can tell you he is a man of conviction and that I respect him for.

    He is willing to die for his country/beliefs ( and countless other countries as well, die to assure people like Hitler could not continue his killing spree) giving up his life for his countrymen?that I respect him for. I hate war, it IMO, is senseless just as God killing babies is senseless act. This killing has been going on for thousands of years?what have we learned? Has Gods ?lessons? changed anything?

    Your argument makes no sense IMO because you try to justify killing ordered by God; brutal acts of violence commanded by a God who tries to teach his children lessons. Remember the bible says we were made in Gods image. Therefore our actions will reflect that of our maker. He taught us killing was ok to teach lessons, as his children we have learned killing is ok.

    Just my .02 cents.


  • Cassiline


    A question for you. Since Hitler was killing ?Gods chosen people?, those soldiers like Yeru who stepped in to stop it were they killing in Gods name or mans?


  • Kenneson

    If one can justify war from the Old Testament, then one can surely also justify slavery, the killing of witches and mediums and homosexuals.

  • Kenneson

    P.S. I forgot to add polygamy.

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