A Brilliant Flash Of Light!

by Corvin 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new light
    new light
    Really, our continuing to be enlightened confirms that we are on the right path.

    No, it confirms that you are always wrong. Replacing the phrase "to be enlightened" with "to change our minds" (which is 100% fair and honest) is much more accurate. Would you consider someone who could never make up his/her mind to be "on the right path"? Would you take seriously a person that constantly changed their mind and insisted that each new idea was the truth, indisputable fact? Enlightenment implies a constant, forward march toward truth, not flip-flopping, back-stepping, and circling.

  • Ciara

    It's more like a strobe light, really.

  • Markfromcali

    "I see," said the blind man peering through the knot hole overlooking the barbed wire fence...

    Actually, it doesn't matter if there's any light at all - if you've got blinders on. Again it is like the ostrich sticking its head in the ground, even if the sun is shining brightly the animal will not see anything. Put it another way, there may indeed be some hazy outlines in the closet from a little Mag light flashlight running on a AAA battery - but you only see the real light by going outside.

  • Elsewhere


    Yes, we keep screwing up and having to change our "bible truths"... but that still does not mean YOU can decide what the bible says. Even though we admit to making numerous errors, you must still follow what we say is bible truth or we will brand you as an apostate and have all your family and friends shun you.

    Oh, and have a nice day!

  • Corvin
    Yes, we keep screwing up and having to change our "bible truths"... but that still does not mean YOU can decide what the bible says. Even though we admit to making numerous errors, you must still follow what we say is bible truth or we will brand you as an apostate and have all your family and friends shun you.

    Elsewhere, could that statement be any truer?

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The passage at Proverbs 4:18 is 'comparing the ways of a righteous man with the way of the wicked man'.There is nothing prophetic about it! "Progressive enlightenment" is fancy cult jive for,making it all up as we go along.

    When Prophecies Fail A Sociological Perspective on Failed Expectation in the Watchtower Society by Randall Watters http://www.freeminds.org/psych/propfail.htm


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I think this is the bit that complements the ol' my head is actually just air smile.

    Really, our continuing to be enlightened confirms that we are on the right path.

    No thinking "Gee, we've been wrong all the while"

    Rather, "Just look how righteous our superior brainion sparks make us - surely we are the special chosen who are worthy as rulers of the universe - we must cleanse our kind and rid ourselves of those who would dare question our rising intellect."

    Blast - there's no emoticons that look dumb enough.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    When you put the words hazy outline and brillant lights of flash all I can realte to is some GP!

    Good Pot!

  • beaker

    light goes on... light goes off... light goes on...light goes off

  • Farkel

    : Anyone want to translate this crap?

    Yeah. They've applied Proverbs 4:18 in a completely self-serving context. Even a casual reading of that and surround verses will show it is about character development (something the WTS has loathed for 7 or so decades). The verse simply tells the reader that good begets more good in one's life, not that bullshit about revealed religious doctrine from a two-bit religion.


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