Irritating Mormon guy

by Mulan 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan

    I have a young man emailing me. He is a Mormon. At first he emailed to me because he found my cousin's story on Randy Watter's website and my email addy is in the story. He said he had a close friend who has just "escaped" the JW religion, and thought I would be helpful to him. I replied telling my story as he requested.

    Then he started preaching his religion to me. I told him I was not interested, even a tiny, teeny bit in any of it, and he accepted that, but keeps emailing me, wanting to be email buddies. I just don't have time for it, or the interest. So far I haven't replied, but he keeps asking if he offended me.

    By the way, his friend who "escaped" the JW's is now a Mormon, which I said was just another cult. (that was before I realized he was one)

    How do I get rid of him? Should I just keep not replying, or is there anything kind I can say that will make him stop? He is young, and says he "loves" me. I think he is counting his time.

  • bebu

    Hi Mulan,

    I don't think Mormons count time, but if I were you I'd tell him that you've read enough about Mormons to think that their grounds for faith is every bit as shaky as JWs--if not worse.

    Mention the Utah Lighthouse Ministries' folks, Sandra and Gerald Tanner (the equivalent of Ray Franz), and their work. That might cool him off fast, y'know, cause they don't like hanging with "anti-Christs" and their ilk... and it will maybe get him interested/defensive enough to check out what the fuss is REALLY about, and help him out.

    Here's a website I posted around here earlier... about the Book of Abraham.

    Good luck!!


    Edited to add: here's the homepage of the ULM: have fun...

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    He is young, and says he "loves" me. I think he is counting his time.

    Oh Mulan.... you've got trouble girl. Mormans don't "count" time .... in that respect they're not like the JWs. I have several morman friends (though, not one is like your "friend"). Send him an email and let him know that this will be your last email and there will be no other response. I suggest you tell him that he hasn't offended you, but you simply have no time for this and as far as "love", you have all that you need. Also, mention that if he doesn't respect your request you will hunt him down like the dog that he is and forward his emails to his Bishop. (just a suggestion).

  • Elsewhere

    Tell him that you normally use that email address for your Adult Messaging service and if he wishes to continue talking he will have to start paying you $3.99 a minute for naughty chatting.

    He will either go away and stop bothering you, or you will make a mint!

  • simplesally

    You could tell him you are a transvestite and want his home address.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Mulan,

    I'd suggest putting a bar on his email addy in your Mail box. When he gets returned mail, he'll get the picture.

    BTW how's things? Say hi to Big Red for us.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • VM44

    Hi Mulan,

    Just say you are not offended (if you are not) and that you really do not want to discuss Mormonism, then if he keeps sending emails promoting Mormonism....don't respond. He will get the message!


  • Justin

    Then use your filter to block out his e-mails and you'll never hear from him again.

  • drwtsn32

    Oh, I thought this thread was going to be about the poster "dan"..

  • shamus

    I say go for it! I've always wanted to get together with a mormon, LOL!

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