Friends is Ending

by simplesally 54 Replies latest social entertainment

  • bikerchic


    I love this smiley! Good one ocb!

    I remember when Friends first came on and my youngest daughter was hooked on the show from the beginning, she would tape it when and in the "event" she missed it to go to a It was the topic of many fights between her and I being the good "dubbie" Mom that I was trying to be. It was all over when she caught me up in my room one night watching it, (yes I missed the meeting) she joined me on the bed and we laughed and laughed.........a good re-bonding experience and I was hooked plus it gave us something to talk about.

    Fast forward to lastnight..........gawd I'm such a crybaby, but there I was curled up on the sofa watching the ending of Friends and missing my daughter! Tonight I'll be watching it with her on the phone and crying!

    Yeah I know.............


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Never found what's the big deal about that silly sitcom. Enjoyed Frasier a heck of a lot better!


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Amen, Doubtfully Yours..... I find that twaddle unwatchable; a bunch of self-absorbed, indulgent too-pretty boys and drop-dead gorgeous girls playing at being adults with no apparent source of income, or at least not enought to sustain the lifestyle they depict (close your eyes, listen to the dialogue and tell me if it isn't what one expects from prepubescent , even pre-teen, brats).

  • Sassy

    well I think I am going to watch this just because it is the last one. I really am not a huge fan of the show. I've watched it in reruns when I felt like I had nothing to do and it was the only thing on , but I've never been regularly watching it from day 1 with the current shows..

    I recently rented Alien Season 1 (which I had missed) so I haven't decided if I will watch Friends or episide 4 of Aliens...

  • myauntfanny

    Frasier was a lot better, objectively speaking, but I love Friends. Frasier was always kind of painful too, and nobody on it is actually very likeable. Frasier is more intellectually stimulating, but generally I don't watch tv to be intellectually stimulated, I just want to be a slob.

    I haven't gotten to see new episodes of Friends for years because I live in Europe. We get em about two years old. So after seeing the last episode could someone please come back and tell me how it ended, I can't wait two years.

  • LyinEyes

    awwwwwww (((( Katie))))), you know I can not let someone in my presence cry alone, that was so sweet what you wrote about your daughter.

    You know we all know it is just a show, but it does become part of our lives when we sit with our families and watch it year after year. We laugh as a family, cry and even have heated debates on what we think about a topic on one of the shows.

    I mentioned this in Doodles sitcom thread, about watching Nick at night with my kids. I will always remember us laughing at some of the crazy things we have seen. Good memories.

  • simplesally

    Bikerchic, glad you and your daughter will be able to watch it 'together'!! I sure hope my little girl gets to bed in time or watches her movie in my room! I want the big tv!!!!!!!!

  • Corvin

    I will be watching Friends tonight, instead of nodding off at the Ministry School and Service Meeting.

    The show, to me, has always been funny, and representative of something I could rely on to make me laugh in the bad times. I identify with Chanandler Bing's character the most. I love Pheopie because she is stupid, but she is not stupid, if you know what I mean?

    I will miss the new shows, but I am glad the show is going out on top and very dignified. ::sits in front of fountain and pulls lamp chain:: Sorry Monica.


  • Mulan
    Wonder how Mulan got the inside scoop,,, come on, fess up!

    The Enquirer at the grocery store

  • DanTheMan

    Praise the Lord.

    a bunch of self-absorbed, indulgent too-pretty boys and drop-dead gorgeous girls playing at being adults with no apparent source of income, or at least not enought to sustain the lifestyle they depict

    Amen and amen.

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