I'm Getting Married

by RAYZORBLADE 94 Replies latest social relationships

  • Rabbit

    Congrats - I am glad to be able to say that, now that my mind has had the prejudices washed from it...

    yeeeee----haaawwww ! from Texas...

  • joannadandy



    Weddings rock, I am so happy for you! I wish you all the best, and if you need any help with tacky preperations, I am the white trash queen! I can bedazzle ANYTHING!

  • nilfun
  • Corvin

    Congrats, happiness and much success to you both!


  • acsot

    Hooray for Ray! Congratulations! Are you going post the wedding pics? How about pushing the date back to the autumn, then I could crash the party on my way to Ste. Catherines to visit my brother and his boyfriend of 20 years.

    All the best to you and Drew!

  • Valis

    Way to go Ray! I wish you and Drew the best. This is something I wrote for a wedding and maybe you will find some good words for both of you..I changed it a bit to tak the names out, but I think you get the message..

    Marriage, like so many other things in our life, has many facets that must be looked after with attention and above all loving kindness. Perhaps when two people decide to share their lives with each other it is easy to look past the other's faults and to some extent, set those things aside in the wake of such a happy day and all the goings on, only to find later that trial and tribulation lay farther down the road. This I would ask all to consider the following quote from George bernard Shaw and keep it in their daily thoughts..

    "Recall the aura, the ecstasy, the perfectness of your wedding day. The vows are meticulously and faultlessly repeated. A stimulating honeymoon reinforces the idealistic glow. Nothing could ever alter the thrill of this hallowed occasion.

    Then comes reality. The couple soon realizes marriage is not an ongoing celebration of celestial dimensions. It's a lifelong process of down-to-earth hard work -- worth every drop of sweat it produces."

    If you look at his words he mentions things like hard work, sweat, process...Well that's what it is. There is no way around that. Listening to and understanding one another are two different things, but together they make the tough work so much easier. Finding a good partner is easy, but keeping one is really the hard part...Remember this my friend and your marriage will go far, and in time as your love grows, the understanding and hard work becomes second nature. As Euripedes Antigone of ancient Greece postulated....

    "Man's best possession is a sympathetic wife. "

    A bit about sacrifice. Marriage is not just a jackpot, where your scope of vision and life experience doubles, but real sacrifice of your self. Being selfless is no small order, but I ask you both to consider the things that really make you happy when interacting with others. Recall the feeling when you give of yourself and others benefit. That feeling should accompany every action towards each other, every day. I ran accross a quote on marriage by comedian Rita Rudner that I thought might bring a bit of brevity to the fore speaking of sacrifice..

    "I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry. "

    If this were true for all of us then our past pains must suit us well for such an institution as marriage. This I think also brings us here today, the commonalities and life experiences are such that each of you has a window into the other where perhaps for some who meet this doesn't occur until years later. Use this to your advantage friends, it might help you see and understand when the time comes to listen to the words and emotions of your spouse.

    My last thought is that you love, respect and care for one another, as individuals and as a family which you have decided to create. My blesssing to you both and now get on with the kissing already.
    Much love and muy bueno suerte to both of you.

    Your friend and District Overbeer,

    Reverend Travis Bush

  • drwtsn32

    Congrats Ray!!!

  • outnfree

    <<<<-- jumping up and down ectastically!!!!
    Best wishes for Ray and Drew! 
    (what can I do to help?)
  • minimus

    Drew----as in Barrymore?......Congrats!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Ray.

    Nice of you to drop in and give us such nice news.

    Congratulations to you both.

    Be Happy, man.


    Special K

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