Six Pack physique or six pack in the fridge?

by Left_Field 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    Thank you Flower...................yes.. Tyson is HOT..

  • flower

    Lets face it gals, as long as men run this great planet of ours that double standard isnt going anywhere. Or as long as women continue to buy into it and starve themselves down to skin and bones to fit into it (pun intended ;)). More power to people like Queen Latifah...selling pizza hut with her head held high.

    Now back to more important things...*sigh*

    dont mind me i'm in my own little world over here.

    edited to say: i think i'm in love

  • copsec

    Neither Arnold, nor Belushi appeal to me. I like men like Tim McGraw, Brad Bitt, Toby Keith, etc.

  • frankiespeakin

    Is that the way you girls view us boys as just peices of meat!!!

  • flower

    You got it frankie. Or maybe its just us 'veggies' who havent had meat in a while and are just craving a nice steak dinner. mmmmmmmmm...steak

  • frankiespeakin

    Yeah,,but I don't like it.

  • frankiespeakin

    It just dawned on me!!!

    I think I understand how some women feel,,is this the femine side of me coming through???

  • frankiespeakin

    Wow this is weird,,but I was totally connected to how some women feel,,,it is starting to fad but I figured I would right it down here on the thread to recall this latter.

  • flower

    Oh geez, here we go again with another guy with a sudden revelation about what women want. lol

  • frankiespeakin

    Tell Flower have you ever felt that way???

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