What do you make of this?

by Copernicus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Copernicus

    I was wondering what some of you might make of this. . .

    A friend of mine who is still somewhat active just told me about something interesting that happened in his congregation a week or two ago during the WT study. A publisher raised his hand to comment and related an experience he had while doing magazine work in a parking lot (ugggghhhh!!!) one recent Saturday morning. He approached two women leaving a grocery store and tried desperately to place a few mags (I know this particular brother and he always pushes the hard sell), anyhow, after a few minutes of haggling the women told him outright “that they used to be Jehovah’s Witnesses but they are HAPPY now.”

    My friend said that after this comment was made, the whole congregation went silent for about 30 seconds. You could have heard a pin drop. Even the WT conductor blanked out. Then of course he passed over it as if nothing was ever said.

    We talked about this and agreed that they are so conditioned to expect only disgruntled mouthings of misery and emotional desolation from those who have left, that it stunned them to hear anyone blatantly admit to feeling otherwise. My friend also said he felt that those two women were speaking the inner feelings of most of the publishers present – even if none of them would dare to openly entertain the possibility themselves. Or would want to admit, even for a moment, that there is an opportunity for happiness outside of the Kingdom Hall.

    After all, THEY are the happiest people on earth. Right? I mean that’s what they tell us. . . and aren’t all who leave miserable slugs for the rest of their lives?

    Noting the effect this caused (the man who commented would never have said anything if this hadn’t bothered him deeply) led me to think that the next time a JW knocks on my door, I’ll tell him the same thing.

  • AGuest

    HEY! What cong. is that? 'Cause if you're in No. Cali... one of those women... was ME!!!

    Peace to you, CopperCorn!

    An ECSTATICLY JUBILANT (uh, 'happy') slave of Christ,


  • patio34


    I agree with SJ about that being a great reply--way to go, SJ!

    Every time I think "I am no longer a JW," I get a feeling of joy. It's among the 'blessings' I can count, so to speak!


  • Copernicus
    HEY! What cong. is that? 'Cause if you're in No. Cali... one of those women... was ME!!!

    SJ - you had me laughing my butt off with this one And no, not in No. Cal. . . but close.

    And Pat, I get the same feeling of joy myself. It gets better every day and I feel so much better about myself and others. Isn't it nice to have a tangible blessing to count for a change?


  • slipnslidemaster

    What a great idea!!! I think that I will do the same thing.

    Slipnslidemaster: "You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
    - Sacha Guitry

  • Roamingfeline

    What was very telling is that the entire congregation was left speechless, not knowing what to say. It was like their programming went off-kilter, "This does not compute".. lolol They had to switch the program back onto the right track to get on with the study. bwahahaha..

    Nice answer. I think I'll try it sometime!


  • happytobefree

    That experience is so ironic. I was approached by two different JW in the parking lot of my job (I work for a major diy (do it yourself) home retailer). When approached the first time i was surprised, because i thought the man approaching me smiling was a customer asking a question, but when I saw his bible tract, I instantly tensed up and told him quickly I'm not interested and tried to get in my car, he came back with what are you not interested in, I replied your bible tract, turned on the ignition (on my car) and told him to have a good day and pulled off. Today a lady approach my with an Awake in her hand and I told her before she could reach me, I was not interested in the JW's, she replied that everything they taught was from the the bible and I replied that was not not true, turned on my ignition and told her to have a good day.

    So thanks for the new reply.

    P.S. I'm a department manager in this particular store and was thinking about speaking with the store manager about their activities in order to stop them from soliciting in our parking lot, but was thinking it would make them feel happy about being persecuted. Any suggestions on stopping them, because it seems as if our parking lot is a good spot to dump on literature.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Amen to that post!
    My family and I are all saved, born again Christians and we love going to services....and doing our own miinistry and missions work that actually helps people who need it.
    I am now teaching adult Sunday school and preaching part time, my wife and sons are involved in missions and the youth group at our church. We have praise and worship that is great, good music and real spirit, not dead songs about field service.
    I understand the Bible Students still use our hymnals and at least they get some decent worship in. Some of the Christian rock is really good and most of the praise songs are fun to sing.
    I really enjoy the old classics like, "How Great Thou Art", "Holy, Holy, Holy", "Amazing Grace" and the "Old Rugged Cross".
    God Bless you,

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Do you have a Southern Baptist church in the area? Let them know what time the 'dubs are usually there and get them to 'witness' to them! Any evangelical that knows scripture can turn the wacky theology of the WT back on them.

  • Copernicus

    Happy – I enjoyed your thoughts.

    You asked:

    Any suggestions on stopping them, because it seems as if our parking lot is a good spot to dump on literature.

    This is difficult because I was led to believe that the large store parking lots were essentially public domain. I think the real problem though is that storeowners don’t want to offend anyone – even JW’s, and lose a potential customer.

    Have any customers complained yet? If so you might approach the witnesses and explain that their actions are negatively effecting your right to do business. Or you could mention that the litter being caused my so many people throwing away their tracts and magazines is causing an eyesore, ha, ha.

    I wish I could help more. Maybe someone else here has some better ideas.

    Where’s Farkel when you need him?

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