
by Celtic 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    romantic love......................a million reactions - many contradictions

    unconditional, honesty, trust, loyalty, humor, fun, fierce passion, intellectually stimulating, can be a wounding, a tearing, a slicing dagger to the soul, an unending needful desire, heart racing, butterflies, longing for the taste of him, the sound of his voice and the challenge of his mind, a solid devotion, a protectiveness of his spirit, exasperation, hilarity, unity of purpose, realistic and pragmatic, accomodating, patient and reassuring, explosive, frank, reliable, the willingness - no better yet DESIRE to consider their needs ahead of your own ...

    my list could go on.....

    and yours Mark? it isn't fair to question all of us without putting forth your own ideas!!!! ;o)

  • Corvin

    Love is not so much an emotion as it is an action. You can love [show love] to someone even when you do not feel any love whatsoever, thus we might conclude it is based mostly on principle. Love can therefore only be expressed genuinely through action.

    Love is putting the best interests of another at heart and ahead of you own, especially spiritually.

    Romantic love, while really really fun, is mainly of a sexual nature and nothing more than a myth. It's a terrible joke God has played on us to trick us into making babies. If it did not feel good, nobody would ever have sex. Don't get me wrong, I am a romantic person, but I have come to make a distinction between romantic love and true love. The honeymoon always ends and then you are left with really really having to love the person you have chosen to be with . . . and sex becomes the bonus, and hopefully you will still enjoy sex with that one . . . he he . . . more importantly, guys, hopefully, she will still enjoy having sex with you.

    Bette Middler was an idiot.


  • bebu

    Love is all tremendous folly.

    Beautiful folly.

    Folly wiser than wisdom.

    Folly which never fails.


  • exjdub

    I have written something 5 times and erased it each time. How do you put love into words? The only way that I can possibly explain it is that I have been married for almost 24 years to the love of my life...really. I did nothing to deserve it, but I was lucky enough to find a beautiful, smart, extremely funny woman that makes my heart ache every time that we are apart when I travel for business...still. She gifted me with 2 beautiful children and she is the anchor for all of us. I could write a book about her and it would not be enough. Words fall short...

    exjdub (of the hopeless big sap class)

  • Nosferatu

    This is what I can write from the heart: I am the only one worthy of my everlasting love. I am the only person who has never done anything to betray, to mistrust, I've never left, and I've never truly disappointed myself. There are many people out there who continually lie to themselves, but they always have that little voice inside of them, telling them what they're really thinking. These are the people who avoid loving themselves.

    As for love toward other humans, it's not completely emotional. It's a combination of emotion, touch, words, and action. If two humans could truly become "one flesh", that's when true love would be achieved.

  • Sassy

    love is a word expressed by many but not necessarily shown by actions.

  • Englishman

    This is love. I took this pic of Her Ladyship and grandson Charlie a few months ago. It's one of my most cherished pictures.


  • Markfromcali

    Love includes everything, even the things you don't like. True love is realized when you have no choice but to love.

  • Maverick

    How about Romantic love?

    The Journey by B. Valsavage

    As the suns rays nourish the budding sprout, is the presence of a beautiful woman upon my heart.

    As the moons attraction entice earths watery deep, is the draw of her serene countenance upon my eyes.

    As the ocean waves break softly upon the spongy sands, is the music of her tranquil voice upon my ears.

    As the summer breeze refresh the flowered field, is the caressing of her silken touch upon my skin.

    As the ripen fruit quench the thrist of a man, is the taste of her scented kiss upon my lips.

    For in Romance, the Journey IS the destination.

  • AGuest

    from my heart... that it is a debt owed by us all... to us all, including ourselves, dear Celtic (may you have peace!). For we cannot love our neighbor "as" ourselves, if we do not love ourselves.

    And we owe it to one another, whether we/they are Jew or Greek, slave or freeman, male or female, parent or child. We owe it to ourselves because we cannot give... what we do not have. So, often, however, we look to others to give us what they cannot... and so find ourselves "wanting"... and as a result, blaming, judging and condemning.

    If, however, we view love from the aspect of it being a debt we owe... to all others... rather than one owed to us by all others... we will be more apt to give it. And we would then come to truly understand the TRUTH: there is indeed more happiness in GIVING... than in receiving.

    Thus, rather than expecting love from others in order to be happy, we would GIVE it... and truly be happy. And we would DO so (not just SAYING, but DOING)... without judging, without scrutiny, without compulsion, without hypocrisy... and without the expectation of a "return." Why? Because in giving love, TRUE love, it must be done out of a pure heart, with a pure motive. If it is done for gain... the motive is suspect and it is not TRULY love, but a "reasonable facsimile" of it.

    Personally, with my Lord's help and my Father's spirit, I am still working on this part of myself. I've come a long way... I've got a long way to go. The "view", however, has been well worth the journey and I'm enjoying the entire trip.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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