WTS law and oral law

by lurk 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Hence the stay in your assigned territory rule. JWs flock to good halls with rational normal elders. Then the COs, and DOs go on a rant and try to scare people back into there holes.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    oral advice is no wirtten advice, every elder gets it to hear from CO or DO and then it is valid.

    the advantage is that in no case there is anything written.

    so the borg does its business as usual. in France they encourage to go to elections as they know that the JW's dont elect anybody.

    so the world gets the impression they are ood buddies.

    but it seems that they are slimy like a frog.

    oral law = oral Jaw of the big shark borg

  • TD

    The JW's like most Christian groups have absolutely no grasp of the Oral Torah or its purpose. All written laws eventually become outdated or only marginally applicable due to social and scientific change and advancement. The Written Torah, having been given to a primitive Bronze Age culture is no exception. As each generation had to live by and apply the Written Torah to new situations, the Oral Torah sprang into existence out of pure necessity

    The JW's are especially hypocritical in this regard, because although they make a show of condemning Judaism, they practice the Rabbinical approach themselves sans even the moral anchor of the Pharisees. Their blood doctrine is one of the best examples I can think of where the Written Torah is reinterpreted to apply to new situations where said interpretation carries the force of Divine law.

  • exjdub


    Tell your brother to take his privalege back IF HE WANTS THEM. It is sad how lazy or stupid JWs are they do things for no reason. Elders are not "clergy so they don't out rank a baptised person they are just a legal firewall to protect the watchtower.

    What planet did you say you were from?

  • Yerusalyim
    in a magazine some years ago there was an article on the oral law.

    it discribed how the oral law was developed to be like a fence around the writen law to prevent ppl from breaking the writen law.The article showed how the priests, who invented the law ,were laying a burden on jehovahs ppl that the didnt need ,sort of saying how wrong and misdirected the priests were.

    I hope the WTS didn't try to make this seem like some new revelation. The Jews themselves are the ones that came up with the analogy of placing a fence around the Law, and then a fence around the fence, so as to keep people from trangressing the law.

    The Jewish tradition is that the oral law was given to Moses by God, just as the written Law was, and that it was handed down from generation to generation. It actually developed shortly after the destruction of the 1st temple along with the development of the synagouge. The "oral" law has been in writing for some 1800 years or more...it's called the Talmud.

  • Yerusalyim


  • lurk
    hope the WTS didn't try to make this seem like some new revelation. The Jews themselves are the ones that came up with the analogy of placing a fence around the Law, and then a fence around the fence, so as to keep people from trangressing the law.

    no they didnt ,yes the history of oral law is well known bye the WTS too ,which is why i quoted them.

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