Jordan/Iraq/Chemicals Weapons

by Yerusalyim 17 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    Here's an interesting story from must ask the question, "Where did the chemical weapons come from?"

    Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:40 p.m. EDT

    Jordan WMD Plotter Confesses to Iraqi Involvement

    At least one of the al-Qaida plotters arrested in Jordan earlier this month as part of a weapons of mass destruction plot that Jordanian officials say could have killed 80,000 people revealed on Monday that he was trained in Iraq before the U.S. invaded in March 2003.

    In a confession broadcast on Jordanian television, the unnamed WMD conspirator revealed: "In Iraq, I started training in explosives and poisons. I gave my complete obedience to [Abu Musab al] Zarqawi," the al-Qaida WMD specialist whose base of operations was in Iraq.

    Excerpts from the WMD conspirator's confession broadcast by ABC's "Nightline" late Monday show that the WMD plot was planned and trained for in Iraq more than a year before the U.S. invasion, with the terror suspect admitting, "After the fall of Afghanistan, I met Zarqawi again in Iraq."

    U.S. forces vanquished the Taliban government in Kabul in December 2001 - 15 months before the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

    "Some of the details appear to be fairly significant in terms of the planning," reported "Nightline's" Chris Bury: "$170,000, a lot of meetings, getting instructions from people in Iraq, people inside Syria."

    "This doesn't appear to be a mom-and-pop operation," he added.

    Al-Zarqawi, who also ran a camp for Jordanian recruits in Afghanistan, has been linked to a series of terrorist plots, including the attack in Madrid last month, the bombing of the U.N. compound in Baghdad last summer, and the 2002 killing of an American diplomat in Jordan.

    On Monday al-Zarqawi took credit for the attacks on Iraq's oil terminals in Basra over the weekend, "Nightline" said. The attack, though interrupted before it could do maximum damage, killed three U.S. soldiers.

    The Jordan chem-bomb plot was to be executed in three stages, according to a video re-enactment released by Jordanian officials.

    The first stage was to involve a car carrying several al-Qaida operatives, who would approach the gates of the Jordanian security service in Amman and gun down the facility's armed guards.

    The car would be quickly followed by a specially equipped track laden with conventional explosives that would break through the security service gate and crash into the main building.

    In the third stage, the plot called for three tanker trucks to follow the breakthrough vehicle, loaded with a combined total of 20 tons of chemical weapons laced with conventional explosives. One truck was to crash into the security headquarters, another the U.S. Embassy nearby. A third was to hit a building within a few hundred yards of the other two targets, the Jordanian video showed.

    The ensuing cloud of poison gas could have killed 80,000 people, Jordanian officials said, an estimate that was revised upward from an anticipated death toll of 20,000 last week.

    In film footage broadcast by "Nightline," Jordanian television showed hundreds of plastic containers that had been removed from the trucks that Jordanian officials said were filled with chemical weapons.

    Jordan's King Abdullah said last week that the five trucks originated from Syria and were intercepted just 75 miles from the Syrian border. Syria has long been suspected as a repository of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction

  • Simon

    It says he trained in Iraq. No mention of chemical WoMD coming from Iraq.

    Nice try though !

    Given that I suspect you are trying to turn this into justification for your war, note that he was not trained by Iraq (the country). Just as the Sep 11 hijackers were trained in America ... this reasoning would justify attacking the USA.

    Have a look at Jordan and Iraq on the map. It is miles and miles of vastness where some people could meetup and do some training without any knowledge of the authorities.

    Not like Sep 11 where they got government passes and authorisation !!

  • outnfree

    Holy shit!!!!! (can I say that on here?!!!)

    I have been oblivious to news for the past 36 hours or so, concentrating on finals. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do!

    Thanks, Mike.


  • Yerusalyim


    In a country like Iraq...when Saddam was in charge...there wasn't much went on there that he wasn't aware of...however...the biggest question is still...where did the weapons come from? Was it from the trucks our Sattelites saw going into Syria and burying cargo?

    Simon, I suspect that if a Nuclear Bomb were discovered today, you'd dismiss it.

  • Bryan
    "In Iraq, I started training in explosives and poisons. I gave my complete obedience to [Abu Musab al] Zarqawi,"

    You have to admit Simon... "Terrorists Training In Iraq"


  • SixofNine
    [Abu Musab al] Zarqawi,"

    Not "Saddam Hussein".

    This war will never be justified in a million years. This is because there were good, working, alternatives to it, and because it was ill planned, ill timed, and ill concieved.

  • Realist

    the key question is where in iraq?

    the northern part was not under the control of hussein but was controlled by the peshmerga (kurds).

    the alledged terrorist training camps were located in that region. it is quite possible that this guy was trained in that region again (if the story is at all reliable).


    you summed it up pretty nicely!

  • logansrun

    Michael Jordan is a terrorist?!


  • ThiChi

    I have always said it was not "if" Iraq had WMDs, but where did they go.......

  • blacksheep

    Given Saddam's history of terrorism, given his behavior/refusal to allow weapons inspections, given his overt hatred of the US, it's hardly a stretch to believe he had WMD, he supported terrorists efforts against the US, and and reasonable person would see him and his regime as an obvious threat.

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