how has your life changed in the last 10 years

by dh 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fleur

    what hasn't changed? i've lost children to miscarriage, finally become a mother, divorced, fell in REAL love for the first time, remarried, moved, lost my whole family because i left the org. same time as i got out of the bad marriage. my health has gone from bad to worse. i've been suicidally depressed and on top of the world and everywhere inbetween on the 'ride' as a friend calls it.

    everything's different now, especially me. and i have never felt more peace, or happiness or love, in my life than i do now. those things are what make the rest of the crap worth dealing with.

    i hope this post doesn't get deleted it's driving me mad that stuff keeps disappearing.


  • maxwell

    10 years ago, I was 17 and near the end of my junior year in high school. Yes a lot has changed. The biggest change was leaving the JW. But of course, there were many other changes that just happened because that is life. Leaving school and figuring out what to do with my life and how to take care of myself. At 17, I was having fun in school and just being a teenager, but I'm also having fun now and I'm glad I'm no longer worrying about whether I will ever get out of my parent's house.

  • Dan-O

    In the past 10 years ...
    1. Our son was born.
    2. We moved 600 miles so that I could take a new position with my employer.
    3. The logo on my business card changed five times while I performed the same job.
    4. Mrs. O & I went to the brink of divorce, and fought our way back to a more healthy relationship.
    5. Mrs. O & I incorporated her business, which we now operate together.
    6. I'm now home most afternoons when the rugrats return from school.
    7. I learned to use HTML tags.

  • bem

    made a thousand mile move. Desert no rain to mountains and green.

    Added 2 new children son-in-law,daughter-in-law love 'em like they are my own.

    An amazing grand-daughter, I represent that phrase if I had known Grand-kids were this much fun I would of had them first ( I like my kids she is just that cool)

    Began working out-side the home. still work at home...that part never goes away does it!!!

    Got my first car.

    bought our first house.

    grand-ma passed away

    Husband had three hospital stays and skin cancer in one year.

    a couple years ago started questioning this thing called truth.

  • bem

    dh, did I miss something or are you gonna share with us how your life has changed?

  • onacruse

    I'm finally, finally, no longer a JW, and am surprised each week, still, at the changes that are happening within me...but I think I'm finally beginning to see the "light of the end of the tunnel."

    Oh, and I also met the love of my life.

    The rest is just flotsam and jetsam.

  • Sassy

    a ton of things happened in the last ten yrs

    1. Left my first husband of 17 yrs

    2. Moved from Wisconsin to Minnesota, my home area

    3. Moved from Minnesota to Calfornia

    4. Married my Second husband

    5. Kicked my second husband out of 5 mo

    6. Left the WTS

    7. Quit the Pro Jw Boards

    8. Joined JWD

    7. New boyfriend moved in

    8. Moved again out near SimpleSally

  • dh
    dh, did I miss something or are you gonna share with us how your life has changed?

    my life has changed in that i am now i am ten years older, i left school around this time ten years ago, i think essentially it's the same just now i have a lot more experiences.

    when i was 16 i was not married, had no kids, liked experiencing new things, loved music and being creative, spent a lot of time alone, life felt meaningless but i looked forward to the future, and at 16 i didn't have too many commitments.

    now i am 26, i'm still not married, still have no kids, still like the same stuff as when i was 16, still spend a lot of time alone, still have hardly any commitments and still have a lot of years to go, life still feels totally meaningless, only now the future doesn't look bright, it just looks just certain.

    for me the last ten years seem to be just more more more of the same same same, though i have to say i have done quite a lot in those ten years, i laugh about my life sometimes because it doesn't seem real, it's more like a jigsaw puzzle. at 18 i left the jw's, but it wasn't really a big deal at all. i guess my life has undergone some extreme ups and downs, it's funny to think that at 16 i wanted to handmake furniture for a living, and now it's something i think about perhaps doing for a hobby when i retire (still got some time to go before then).

    when i was 16 i had such an insane unstoppable drive to do things that i could not afford to do, but now that i can afford to do those things i no longer have the drive or desire.

    i think the major change in the past ten years is that at 16, even though i felt bad, i felt like there was something bright to look forward to, like i had time to make it happen, now i know that life is just life and we just have to get on with it.

    i guess if i have to pick any single thing that has changed in the last ten years through all of the shit, it's that now i am more grounded.

  • shotgun


    I have chnaged Jobs twice and finally settled into the present Job which is as stable as they come for almost 9 years now

    1995 and the generation change was the beginning of the end JW wise for me.

    It took me several more years for enough things to build up before I finally did the research which confirmed my fears about the Org (My fear...that all they are is a visible earthly Organization...confirmed)

    The birth of the most beautiful and bright girl to ever enter my life was the final straw, how can you teach someone you love lies?

    Now I stand on the brink, brave new world with new adventures and friends but losing almost all that I have accumulated in the way of friends and family during my lifetime thus far....except my love for her cannot be broken.

    This last year has been the most climatic in my life and I see big changes on the horizon.

    Thanks to all on the forum for sharing this past year with me, the support has kept me afloat.

    Craig.... I know we only met the once but I really appreciated your kind words, won't Kate get jealous?

    Craig.........Oh, and I also met the love of my life.
  • Simon

    Wow ...

    Well, I was single then and living alone. Now I'm married with 2 kids.

    I hadn't had much contact with my father because of the WTS policy of shunning. Now I have a great relationship with my dad and my mum & sisters are shunning me !

    I wasn't earning a great deal but am now doing a lot better (funny, seems that the more you earn the more bills you have, I seemed to have most money in my pocket with my first ever job that paid a pittance).

    All the friends and acquaintences I had were largely people I had grown up with. Now none of them will speak to us but we have made some real great friends all over the world.

    I'm much happier now than I was then.

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