Favourite comic book or comic book hero ?

by El blanko 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    I noticed somebody said they were bored, so I thought I'd start up a ' fluff ' thread

    I have been a minor fan off and on of comic books through the years (although not as obsessed as a guy I know of who owns 1000s of the comics and delves deeply into that particular universe of artwork for spiritual insight) and have a favourite book that inspires thought and fires up my imagination:

    ' Watchmen ' written by Alan Moore. My favourite character being from within those pages, Rawshark.

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1852860243/ref=sr_aps_books_1_1/202-0683404-0332651 - the book itself.

    Any other characters that inspire?

  • myauntfanny

    My favourite was the fantastic four. It wasn't all just brute force, they were a little more subtle than that, and they were a team.

  • hippikon

    The Toxic Apostate

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I always liked, and still do but don't read them anymore, Archie and Veronica and Betty and Jughead and Reggie.

  • jgnat


    I blame my son for hooking me in to comics...

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Definitely siding with myauntfanny, or should I say my Dear Old Aunt Petunia?

    The FF are the greatest. Not just a team, but the original superhero Family. They have arguments, ups and downs, (Sue Richards was the first comics character that I can recall suing for divorce, back in '74), but they always manage to pull it together (thanks to the scriptwriter over the years). Just recently, the story line had them going to Heaven (long story, don't ask) and they meet the Almighty, The Creator. And it's....

    Jack Kirby (He always WAS the KING!)

    My kids like Ultimate Spiderman, and I have been enjoying it too. A nice reboot of the original story.

    Watchmen was very good. Also Kingdom Come . And the Daredevil story arc from 20 years ago, "Saved".

    BTW, it's pronounce "Rawshark", but it's spelled Rorshach, after the psychiatric tests involving ink blot images. The character was inspired by "The Question". All of the Watchmen characters were thinly disguised versions of Charleton comics characters that DC had just acquired at the time. Since the story involved killing off characters, they made them a completely separate reality.

    Here endeth the lesson....

  • Special K
    Special K

    Spiderman rocks!!!

  • justhuman

    Judge Dreg (like Judge Jo)

  • Sunspot

    Little Lulu......not much of a "hero", but my favorite comic book character anyway!

  • ColdRedRain

    Gambit. He's distant, has deep issues and is a hopeless romantic, sorta like me.

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