Did You Know A "Bad" Elder or Circuit Overseer???

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Just don't name the good ones because someone could disagree.

  • truthseeker

    Here's a classic. In Britain, 2001, our Circuit Overseer re-inforced the changes to the generation of 1914 doctrine.

    He actually had the nerve to say, that "It kept you all going. "

    Like that asshole really had something to be proud about for the Society deceiving us 60 years.

  • outoftheorg

    Generally speaking I found almost all of the co's and do's to be ignorant of all things not having to do with the wbts. and arrogant in their conduct with the publishers.

    I got the impression that they all, would have a hard time holding a job, where an understanding of leadership or business or technology or social conduct was required.

    One that I recall, "and I will use his name" was known for his odd behaviour. Every day, after being fed by his generous jw hosts, he and his wife would crawl in bed. This was usually around 6 pm or later if there was some heads to roll. They would then turn on the TV and eat snacks for the next couple of hours. They brought their own TV.

    This went on every night. No visiting with the hosts, no teaching, no nothing.

    One time at the co/elder meeting, my car had to be moved. I got up to do so. He insisted on taking my keys and moving it. I had a nice new car. I had a lot of keys on my key chain. I had keys to my car, to my house, the kingdom hall, my place of employment and a few others.

    He holds my keys up high and jingles them for all to hear and announces loudly," this is a man with too many toys. He knew nothing about me. Except possible rumors maybe.

    I HAD NO TOYS. I do now though.

    Oh and his name is brother Dipshit Keywiggler..


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