After 20 Years.....I Can't Believe It!

by RAYZORBLADE 33 Replies latest jw experiences


    No surprise, I don't post here much these days.

    But today, I have to.

    When I first arrived here back in January 2003, I remember looking at this very section of the board. Personal Experiences & Reunions.

    Well.....I got the shock...the absolute shock of a lifetime.

    Some of you, I'm sure, when you remember folks in your JW past, there are those whom you thought you'd NEVER EVER hear from.

    Last night, I get home from work (4:00 a.m.) and I go on-line, open my e-mail, and I see a name I have not seen since my JW days of 1983/84.

    How did I feel? I was speechless and it was emotionally intense.

    I thought it'd never happen....that I'd ever hear from this person....but they found me from some other information I posted on-line. (My story, I related here: inspired by Dansk).

    That was the clincher. Thanks Dansk, again.

    I had to share this, because of what started the process for me to even dare to write or share my story from so many years ago.

    My JW pal, is facing the music, and he knows now that he has to do something. He doesn't ever want to lose contact with me ever again. He knows he cannot live the lie.

    So for those of you who miss someone from the old days: you just never know. I would NOT have ever expected this person to contact me, let alone seeing his name in my inbox .

    After 20+ years: a happy ending/new beginning.

    I'm on cloud 9.

    I'm still in disbelief. It finally happened.....this is incredible....I'm almost in tears...but tears of joy.

    I got my best pal back, 20+ years later.

    It can happen to you too.

  • Valis

    Nice to see you RAY!...great news about your friend.


    District Overbeer

  • simplesally

    What a nice surprise!

    Jump for joy!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ray I am so glad for you .... and your friend

    What a gift!!!

    Miss ya ((((Ray))))

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Fantastic Ray! What a joy - we should all be so lucky! There's hope.

  • blondie

    Wonderful Ray, happy reunion!

    Blondie and Irrev

  • ScoobySnax

    Good to see YOU again Ray too!!

  • GermanXJW

    Must be a good feeling. I was thinking about people I would love to see in my inbox. :-(

  • Sunspot

    How wonderful for you, Ray! I'm tickled for you, and I know the joy you're feeling.....I've had a few suprises myself, lately! You can't even THINK about other things, and ya can't sleep for grinning with happiness, i'll just bet!

    It's great to hear you had GOOD news to share! :)



  • Corvin

    That is so cool, Ray! I recently had a similar experience and I was on cloud nine for days after!

    Welcome Back!


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