Carl Jung and the Collective Unconscious,,Myths and Archetypes.

by frankiespeakin 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Octavia

    Wow Sirona, I would like to cultivate that ability as well. Are you doing anything specific, or just making a note of who you think about and when.... like do you jot down what your impressions are, what your physical reactions were to the impression (sometimes I feel things in my body when I get impressions about people). Please tell me how you are working with these dormant abilities to awaken them.

  • logansrun
    A friend of mine who I lost touch with was having a baby. I knew this, but had no idea when the baby was due. One morning, I felt the urgent need to contact her because I knew she was having the baby soon and I must let her know I'm thinking of her. So I texted her at 8.15 am (I think that was the time) which is uncharacteristic of me because since she doesn't work she could have still been in bed or whatever. Later that day I was told that the baby had been born at that exact time, and my friend had later checked her phone and was pretty amazed.

    Two weeks ago my grandfather went into the hospital and I felt the urge to see him (I thought this might make him feel better). When I arrived at the hospital I went up to his room and he smiled and said he was happy to see me. Weird!


  • Sirona


    You don't think that knowing about the baby's birth and texting at that exact moment early in the morning is wierd? What does it take to impress you?


    This has increased in recent years - I think it must be something to do with the fact that I meet with the coven once a month and then 8 times a year for festivals. We do intense meditations and "workings", at the main meeting that lasts for maybe 2-3 hours. I've also been doing reiki which opens you up to using energy etc. I don't usually get many physical sensations, just a "knowing". The coolest one was when I was at a prize draw, and 2 minutes prior to the ticket being pulled out, I told my friends to move over because I'd be getting up to collect my money. They laughed and moved over - then my number was drawn out. I think it was about £150 prize. (I'd never done that before or since)


  • frankiespeakin


    That was cool,,,,,I think you can make good energy to control your enviroment. Just like you think to move your arm and it does,,so too you can channel energy to heal,,harm,,even win a prize. You must have a mythical figure to beleive in(or several),,what his or her name??

  • Markfromcali
    Mystics have long held that we are all ONE MIND. I like to think of it as a work station on the mainframe that God Is.

    Nav, from what I can tell genuine mystics do not hold anything. It is not uncommon, however, for workstations to be caught up in their workstationness among humans, and whether you hold onto that or the one mind idea it is still holding on to something, and ultimately limiting. It would be like a flower being concerned about how it compares to other flowers, how well it blooms, wanting to attain it's full potential as a flower, special things it can do that other flowers can't and so on. I'd imagine a flower like that is not nearly as beautiful as one that just blooms.

  • DanTheMan
    all of your cute little stories
    to the person who wrote the terrible poem or lyric

    lighten up dude

  • one_ugly_time

    This is a tough crowd...

    As with everything in life, until you've experienced it first hand or learned of it from a reliable, trustworthy source second-hand -- you are either cynical, skeptical, or simply unbelieving... That also comes with the territory of being told what to believe while in the troof...

    Belief in the Collective Unconscious is not about believing in Voodoo...

    Two weeks ago my grandfather went into the hospital and I felt the urge to see him (I thought this might make him feel better). When I arrived at the hospital I went up to his room and he smiled and said he was happy to see me. Weird!

    This very well may have been syncronicity from your grandfathers point-of-view... lets see... Did he tell you anything new that day... did he actually looks relaxed while you where there... or, as I have done many times in life, my myop(t)ic approach to another individuals reality leaves them little room to disclose what they are truly thinking and feeling...

    Just an idea... but stop by and ask one of the nurses if your visit meant anything to him... I'm really curious Bradley... how many HOURS did he talk about your short visit... how many times did he get to feel larger than life after you left by bragging about you... How many endorphins kicked into action because he can't stand your presence... endorphins that needed activated to raise his blood pressure to help him recover... you see, even negative aura's have a positive life-fullfilling impact on others... I don't know and you don't know... but I don't doubt for a minute that what you say is true... I just bet that your gandfathers sense of life and sharing pathways means more to him than "wierd"...

    Do I believe in ESP or mental telepathy or mind control ? hmmm... let me think about it... you'll be the 1st to know.

    One Ugly Time

  • TheOldHippie

    I so agree with one of you guys who wrote about the beauty of the STORIES. When I read the small stories told by Jung, or the stories retold by Colin Wilson in his books, or by Catherine Crowe by her silenced "Night Side of Nature" from the mid-1800s, these stories tell us something. Then along come the ones who are doing the theories, systems, highlighting some of them and leaving others out etc., to try to make them fit into a system. For me, I love the stories, and I cannot help feeling they are trying to tell us something imprtant, instruct us, help us somehow. Poltergeists and ghosts and elementals and premonitions and who knows what - something is being told to us, and they are great to think about, meditate upon, whatever.

    I'll give you a short one about a returning "ghost"; my father grew up on a remote island, and the house they rented was "known" to be "haunted", there was plotergeist activity at times scearing the small children, it was said the previous owner went digging for his gold after his death and all sorts of things. My father is some 13-14 at this time and sleeps in a separete small house together with a couple of brothers, as there were many children. The house had three rooms, one room in the middle where you entered, then a small bedroom to the right and a larger storage room for wood etc. to the left. My father lies alone one late evening and hears someone enter the middle room with the typical "dragging" footsteps, and then open the door to the storage and close it and move around in there. My father calls out who is there, enters the hall and then looks into the storage - nobody there. He comes palefaced screaming and running into the house where the others are telling about the "ghost" etc.

    Some 22 years pass, he is now married, has told his wife nothing about this, it is long forgotten, and when visiting his parents, he and the rest of the family have left for a brother who lives two miles away, while my mother, who is pregnant bearing me, is resting in this same house as he used to sleep in earlier. Early evening, she hears someone enter and move around and walk into the storage room. She calls out the name of my father, goes to the door, hears the person walk in there, opens the door - nobody there. And she runs the two miles thru the forest to the rest of the guys, white and red and screaming and yelling about the "ghost".

    It's the STORIES I love.

  • myauntfanny

    I wish I had more stories of my own. For a person who believes in all this stuff, I really don't get to experience much of it. My own best personal story is that I was sitting in a car with my husband and said to him "man, I really need some magic to happen" and this car pulled in front of us at that instant with the license plate "magic1". I tried to calculate the odds on that, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.

    I saw a really cool art piece in London once, called the Institute of Coincidence, outside the South Bank Centre. This guy just had all these people write down coincidences they'd experienced in a book and I think he illustrated some of them. It was fascinating.

  • frankiespeakin

    The Mystic Heart - Part 3 - Intellectual Illumination

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