Ray Franz

by oscar 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    You can contact Ray here. He is very faithful at responding.

    [email protected]


  • Amazing1914


    As others have already stated, Ray and his wife Cynthia are doing okay. He remains involved in translating his books into other langauges ... if you go to the Commentary Press site that I link below, you will see his books are now available in many languages. He also makes periodic updates to his first book, "Crisis of Conscience", such as adding information on the Watchtower membership in the United Nations.


    You can order Ray's books and other complimentary works from Commentary Press at:


    Or you can order from Amazon.com on line.

  • oscar

    Thank you amazing1914 and blondie I wonder if an active witness would have the guts to read these books and examine their own religion,just like they always tell you to examine false religion!

  • blondie

    Quite a few active JWs have read his books, maybe sitting in the closet with a flashlight (smile). But it is true that something has already happened in their lives as JWs to make them start looking.


  • ozziepost


    You may like to hear this "experience":

    A longtime Witness man entered the Australia Bethel and asked to speak to Brother *************, one of the Branch Committee members. He was told at the front desk that Brother *******. was unavailable as he was very busy. Visitor said "Look, tell ****** I only want to see him for a few minutes." Soon Brother *********** appeared, saying "I can only give you five minutes" and ushered the visitor into his office. They sat down and the visitor took out a book from his bag and placed it on the brother's desk. It was "Mein Kampf". "Have you ever read this book?" the visitor asked. "Why no", said Brother ********. "So you wouldn't be able to make a comment about it, since you haven't read it?" said the visitor, to which the reply came "No, I wouldn't".

    Then the visitor took out a copy of "Satanic Verses" and the conversation followed that of "Mein Kampf" with the branch committee elder acknowledging that he couldn't comment about it because he hadn't read it.

    Then the visitor brought out a third book, "Crisis of Conscience". The reaction was immediate! His visitor repeated the formula question "Have you read it?" and with a look of horror on his face, the committee elder said, "Of course not!" "Why not?" asked the visitor,"you agreed before that you couldn't pass judgment on a book because you hadn't read it. So how can you pass judgment on this book?"

    The visitor proceeded to try to show him some of the excellent points that Ray Franz makes in his book, but was quickly shown to the door.

    You might be wondering what happened to this man? He was disfellowshiped!

    BTW this is a true story and occurred in recent times.

    As you say, Oscar, as far as the WTS is concerned, examining of one's religion is for everybody else but certainly not the dubs!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • oscar

    Good story from down under Ozzie it was the brother at bethels loss anyway.

  • ozziepost


    These events have had far-reaching effects and I'm sure we haven't heard the end of the story yet!


  • Sassy

    Amazing isn't it...... the fear of reading something that is 'against the holy spirit'... (in their ideals)

    and if you do, the reprimand..

    No wonder few see the light.. they have set that JW box up so tight because of fear

    I remember being afraid to read anything which was spoke against the WTS and I thought my obedience by staying far away from these things was pleasing to God and saving me from an unspeakable horror of some kind..as if by reading these things lightening itself might come down and strike me.....

    Never did I think with the reasoning that like in a case of law, evidence if read, heard, or displayed, if it is false, it would be seen for what it was, and no harm would come but instead strength in our convictions.. truth being made firmer...........

    I'm still reading CofC. About half way through now.. (I'm a slow reader........but I want to take it all in and meditate on it.. not skim through it like a fictitious story.,. I keep wanting to highlight points to show my mother.......but I know that I would receive a similar treatment as in the story above..

  • galaxy7

    I mentioned that book Crisis of Conscience to the people I study with.You should have seen the looks on their faces,It was like I had said the most disgusting thing.

    I have never read the book but I have a question.. Most witnesses have never read it.How do they know about it?? Has ther been a society acticle specificaly mentioning that book by Franz? I find it interesting that these ladies would even know this book existed

  • a wee scots lass
    a wee scots lass

    Welcome Oscar,

    Good Post

    This has made me want to go out and get a copy! Glad to here Ray and his wife are doing well - what he did took real guts.


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