OK this not sleeping thing has got to stop

by Lady Lee 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well it's not that I'm not sleeping - I am - just only 2-3 hours at a time.

    When I try to stay awake I start feeling nauseous from the lack of sllep and have to go lie down. Then sleep for a couple of hours then the pain in my feet starts up and I am awake.

    I just spent the second whole night this week wide awake. Then during the day I am falling asleep for two hours then awake for an hour and back to sleep

    This is just plain stupid. I even doubled the meds one night (Dr. said I could occasionally) and even that didn't help.


    I have been through all kinds of crap but this pain and no sleeping has got to be the worst.

    For those who haven't been updated on my pain problem

    I have finally been diagnosed with Morton's Neuroma which comes from a pinched nerve between the bones of my foot (on both feet no less).

    I am on my 7th (YES SEVENTH) pair of orthotics and still no relief.

    I am on meds and they started out fine but they sure aren't doing the job now. (I know talk to my Dr.) this all started right after I saw him the last time (last Monday)

    Anyone want to come over and hit me so I can get some sleep?

  • DanTheMan

    I'm sorry for what you're going through Lady Lee. I know from personal experience that insomnia SUCKS.

    I know it doesn't address the pain issue, but I've found that listening to new age music is helpful in inducing sleep.

  • Sunspot

    **Anyone want to come over and hit me so I can get some sleep?**

    Nahhhh, but I could bring my squishy old Teddy Bear over to share with you! Having him around your neck would work WONDERS, lemmee tell ya!

    Sorry to hear about your foot problems........not sleeping well is so stressful sometimes. The more you stay awake being upset that you CAN'T sleep, the more you toss and turn, huh? Vicious circle, especially when you have pain added to the mix as well.

    Take care, Lee........



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thanks Dan and Annie

    Now I gotta go rummage around for my old teddy bear (maybe THAT will tire me out) lol

    Last night or rather about 4 am I tried lying on the sofa with the TV on the drowsy music channel. As you can see I am still here

  • blondie
    well it's not that I'm not sleeping - I am - just only 2-3 hours at a time.

    When I try to stay awake I start feeling nauseous from the lack of sllep and have to go lie down. Then sleep for a couple of hours then the pain in my feet starts up and I am awake.

    I just spent the second whole night this week wide awake. Then during the day I am falling asleep for two hours then awake for an hour and back to sleep

    This is just plain stupid. I even doubled the meds one night (Dr. said I could occasionally) and even that didn't help.


    I have been through all kinds of crap but this pain and no sleeping has got to be the worst.

    Lady Lee, now that sounds like my story right now. I have been sleeping for 3 to 4 hours every night for several weeks. 2 nights ago I didn't sleep at all. My doctor is trying neurotonin on me. I find that 2 slices white bread buttered with cheese finally does the trick. I too am battling a chronic painful disease. Perhaps that is the common factor. I too am looking for a job (still have one but it will be ending)

    Maybe we could help each other out.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG Blondie that smilie is so funny we can zonk each other lol

    Yes I think the chronic pain is definitely involved.

    Think I will be calling my Dr on Monday.

    On Thurs I am off to Montreal to help my daughter (baby should be here soon). I really need to do something before I go or else I will be on the same schedule as the baby - up every 3-4 hours.

    Hmmm might not be a bad thing then lol

  • exjdub

    Lady Lee,

    Sorry to hear of your sleeping trouble and your pain. ((Lady Lee)) (very light hug for someone in pain)

    My wife has had similar problems, although not the same condition, so I am aware of what torture it can be to be in constant pain and to not sleep. I think people in chronic pain go down very similar paths. They are treated with immense amounts of medications, physical therapy, pain management...on and on and on. Ambien, MS Contin, anti-inflammatory drugs, Oxy-contin etc. just to name a very few. Frustration and despair follow. My wife found that at first the pain meds worked, but then they were a double edge sword. Most times the meds would eventually make her worse. The ONLY thing that has ever given her consistent relief and benefit was accupuncture. I can tell you that prior to accupuncture, I was the biggest skeptic on the earth. But after I saw the results I am a firm believer. Accupuncture is fantastic for stress as well. If nothing else, it can be an adjunct to your current treatment. Now please read the following disclaimer:

    I know that you have probably heard a million "cures" from well meaning people, which can exacerbate the frustration that you are probably already feeling. I can't tell you how many times people have walked up to us and have tried to push everything from Noni Juice to herbs and vitamins...well the list can go on and on... so if anything that I have said has caused irritation, please disregard my post and tell me to [EDIT] off (I will not take offense and it can be cathartic as well) and please forgive me for sticking my nose in. You have been of help to so many people here, I could not help offering my 2 cents.

    Warmest Regards.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You know exjdub

    I was thinking about this earlier this night/morning. When I had a pinched nerve in my neck I tried a chiropractor that everyone recommended. He made it worse.

    But I just might be willing to try this.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (((Lee))) I don't know if this will help, but when I went thru a period of insomnia one time, I began taking 3 calcium w/magnesium tabs at night before going to bed. This helped relax my muscles so I could sleep, and I got some good sleep for a change.

    Hope you find a way to resolve this, cause it can be so physically devastating to lose a lot of sleep over long periods of time.

    Hugs 'n smoochies,

    Frannie B

  • exjdub

    Whew! (wiping sweat from brow) You didn't tell me to [EDIT] off!

    I have had the same thing happen with Chiropracters.

    One important note: It does make a difference who you choose for acupuncture. Some people have said it didn't work for them and when you ask them who they were treated by, many times it is from a Chiropracter, or other health care individual, who took a 6 week course and started treating patients. Look for someone that has been in practice for a lengthy time and that has been schooled in China (I realize that there are people from other countries that are competent in the art, I just have not seen it for myself and tend to lean toward the country of origin.) If you are near a large city you should have no problem finding a great acupuncturist. A good place to start is in the Chinese section of town if there is one near you. If you do go, please let me know of your experience, good or bad.


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