A Tribute to a Dear Friend: C.K. Dexter Haven Scott (1991-2004)

by cruzanheart 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    ((((((((((((Scott Family))))))))))

    I have huge tears rolling down my face after reading this Nina. I knew I would and put off reading until I could no longer be selfish.

    How to console you all for such a huge loss. Yeah I know it's just a dog........I felt this way when my beloved bird died, Houdini. Just know I understand and am sad for all of you. I'm glad you have Lady Bug and each other to get through this.

    The paw print set in a stepping stone is such a wonderful idea and will serve as a warm fuzzy memory of your beloved Dexter for years to come.

    Love to you all!


    PS For Jennie and Jackson:


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Nina

    Sorry to hear about your beloved pet.

    Sounds like you did everything right for all .

    It brought back memories of my beloved "springer spaniel"...who crawled up in my arms as I told her it was okay to go now and how much I loved her and that she was not alone.. She died there peacefully in my arms as I sat on the front lawn of our house. God, she was the greatest dog and I sit here crying my eyes out just thinking about it all.

    (( hugs to all ))


    Special K

  • Jade

    (((((((Nina, Chris, Jennie, Jackson, Ladybug))))))))

    I am so sorry for your loss. He was such a sweetie.

  • onacruse

    I pretended to be such a "man" when we took Buster (a German Shepherd) to the vet...his hips were wasted, and we had to put him down. My son watched as I cried like a baby.

    And Suah (a Siamese cat): I told my Mom that I'd bury him, but after I dug the hole, I was a blubbering fool.

    It reminds me of the proverb (rough paraphrase): "As you feel for your animals, so are you."


  • seeitallclearlynow

    I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved family pet. Such a loving household...this is one of the painful sides of love.

    Take care you all.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Dexter was a good dog. He's the only dog I've ever shed a tear over. I was okay until Nina put his head on her lap, and talked to him while he went to sleep. He gave a couple of big heaves and then he was gone.

    He was a good dog.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Gads but that was bittersweet to read. Dexter is a fine dog with a great name (spoken in the present tense since I believe all dogs go to heaven). Sorry for the loss of a family member.... it must be tough.

  • joannadandy

    Stories like these are so hard to hear.

    Reminds me of what I went through with my cat. Had since a kitten, and finally had to take her when she was just not going to get well...it's very peaceful, but so hard at the same time. And knowing it's the right thing doesn't make it hurt any less.

    Dexter was a beautiful dog, and I am sure you'll all have memories of him for years to come. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  • ohiocowboy

    I am truly saddened by your news. I love all animals, but Dogs hold a very special place in my heart. May sound odd, but I love my Dog more than I think I could ever love another human. The "Unconditional Love" that dogs show is truly amazing, as is the companionship. I wish that more humans could be that way, the world would be a far better place. My heart goes out to you, and even though I don't know you in person, I feel like giving you a huge, heartfelt hug to let you know that myself and others share your pain.


  • cruzanheart

    Thank you all for your kind wishes and sympathy! Donut day this morning was hard without him. I'm glad we have Ladybug -- a house with no dog at all would be unbearable!

    Love to all,


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