How can jws be so stone hearted?

by kls 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kls

    I am sure the jws do moniter these and other places, but if they are so human and they read all the heart breaking stories on the sites they pry in , how can they live with what they have done to people,i mean just us here get choked up reading what people are and did go through. Jws always say they are human they make mistakes, then how can they not have human emotions? Sorry if i am just rambling , but i can't understand how they can be just stone but say they are human. Do you know what i mean?

  • blondie

    Because they have been told and believe that these people are lying. It isn't until they see it in their own lives or the lives of someone they will believe, will they wake up.


  • kls

    Blondie, i know what you are saying, then they are already dead if they can't put aside the Watchtower to read and hear people suffering and it not have an affect on their cold hearts.

  • Puternut

    Having been a witness myself, I can understand. I used to do the same thing sometimes.

    Here's how it works. You come in the truth, like what you hear and see, convert, and then over the years you adjust your life. You learn over the course of time, it's futile to dispute anything. And you become brainwashed, little by little. Over the years you become like the ones who are in 'charge'. You speak like they speak and act like they act.

    Until...... something dramatic happens, and your eyes are opened. Then you look back and realize the truth behind the 'truth'


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Or you are dead straight from the box and the JW religion gives you hope that in Oz the wizard will give you a heart. May JWs are very broken people. Even the wts knows this.

  • kls

    Puternut, i also was a witness, i guess not a very good one because when i heard about things happening to others i felt so bad. There was a young girl in our hall that had gotten pregnant twice with two different fathers and the kids were mixed. Everyone in the hall treated her like she was poison and would not talk to her, all the elders gave her dirty looks and the women gossiped. I talked to her , gave her baby clothes and did what i could do. I cannot turn on someone and act like they are not there .I guess i am to sensitive.

  • Markfromcali

    The answer to this question is actually right next to the title in the forum category column - beliefs.

    While one can argue how reasonable (or unreasonable) the JW doctrines are, underneath it all is how thought driven the religion is, to the exclusion of the heart. This is why some people will note how intellectual the Witnesses are - not that they are particularly smart or hold views that reflect such, but it's just a matter of what the whole thing is running on, or how it functions.

    So in a sense it is like the heart waking up when it happens, and when you get right down to it it's not separate from the mind. So sometimes people will start all this research and such, but the thing that prompted them to do so may not have been intellectual in nature. While some people just have an intellectual temperament, this pattern of imbalance still exists when that happens. That's why sometimes the emotional dimension and beyond that the whole human dimension remains unresolved in spite of the person being very intelligent and very well informed. The Witnesses like to say the Watchtower and Awake teaches you how to live, but if anything it just teaches you how to live from your mind. How reasonable your thinking is is not even relevant here, it is just that kind of imbalanced conditioning where one is in a lower heirarchical relationship with the mind, which only means separation within yourself.

    So I have to say the JW mindset is based on thoughts rather than a living intelligence, or the intelligence of actually living, which is not meant as a derogatory remark - it is just a matter of unconsciously following orders. It actually reminds me of where the bible says "forgive them, they know not what they do."

  • kls

    Mark fromcali, welcome to the forum, you're explanation was great , so they are robots.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Good point. Being a JW cultivates an acadimic sense of religion. Anyone that experiances "the holy spirit" or what ever main stream chruches teach is consider being bothered by demons. It is a a religion for cynical marxist deist. If you turn your "mind" and "heart"off and process the religion as a stream of data coming from the WTS then it is an easy religion. Not everyone can tolerate being a vulcan.

    Look at the real world. God does nothing in these "loving" churchs. People that think with there "heart" don't get a holier expirence than the JW downloading spiritual food. It is bleak but truth you have to make up things to make one system better than the other.

  • Markfromcali

    Thanks Kls. I've actually been here before, used to go by Introspection but didn't see a need to announce that in a banner.

    Robot is a fair metaphor, it kind of reminds me of those science fiction stories where the android wants to grow past it's programming.

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