April 1st, 2004 Watchtower

by sandy 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • observador


    you're right on the money once again!

    "This does not mean, however, that every human ruler is a direct tool of Satan."

    "Some leaders have protected fundamental human rights, including the right to engage in true worship--something that Satan does not want."

    The two statements above are exactly the ones that caught my attention too. Isn't it amazing how the Soc moves away from dogmatic positions taught for so many decades? How clever! Not even a word about the past position. It will take just a few more decades for the 'human rulers' to become "tools" of God (shaking head in disbelief).


  • gumby
    By generalizing, the WTS can give each government the idea that they are the exception.

    "The Bible- a Book for all Mankind" Another example of pure lying hypocrisy.

    If only most dubs could take a look at a comipled list...side by side, of doubletalk comments such as those mentioned in this Watchtower, perhaps more would exit. Most dubs can't remember or never knew of the doublespeak the WTS is guilty of.


  • heathen

    If I'm correct you are talking about the lamb beast . That beast is supposed to represent the the dual world power of the USA and britain . I don't know which countries they now claim preserve their right to pure worship are but they were definately raising a big stink about false accusations and imprisonment in the USA during the 2 world wars and the conflicts after those where they had a draft .

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I posted about this earlier. The WTS is redoing most of its doctrine. Some by omission. The other by changing a few words. On paper the wts is trying to burry JWs. So the JWs can only be liable for acting dysfunctional. Any example now the only thing to need to be anointed is to be born again. So while the elder still police the bread and wine when your book study tries to partake they or harasses you later they are on their own. That is what is so hilarious on about the watchtower the great crowd is uninspired yet they run the WTS now. So I believe when something makes little sense they seem to be bowing out. Also we are moving more to Christian by name and away from Christian theology and into JWism

    *** w80 4/1 p. 20 Creation?s Hope?Awaiting Its Realization ***

    However, we were not born with the "glorious freedom" that Adam and Eve at first had in the garden of Eden as "children of God." We were born in "enslavement to corruption," under condemnation of all of Adam?s offspring to death. (Rom. 5:12) Hence, we could not save ourselves. All our efforts at self-salvation were doomed to futility, frustration.

    *** w80 3/15 p. 18 Choosing the Best Way of Life ***

    No. "While we were yet weak," helpless to save ourselves, "while we were yet sinners," yes, while we were yet enemies, we were "reconciled to God through the death of his Son."

    *** km 5/00 p. 1 "Keep Awake" ***

    3 Moved to Preach: As Witnesses of Jehovah, we should be positive about our ministry. Love for God and neighbor moves us personally to share in the preaching work. (1 Cor. 9:16, 17) Doing so, we will save ourselves as well as those who listen to us. (1 Tim. 4:16)

    *** w00 12/1 p. 19 Do You Love Jehovah?s Reminders Exceedingly? ***

    19 If we observe Jehovah?s reminders and help others to do so, we will save ourselves and those who listen to us. (1 Timothy 4:16)

    w04 3/15 "Do the work of an evangelizer."

    "By preaching we can save ourselves and those who listen to us."

    Notice the 20 year gap. Less FDS to do damage control. You guys well some of you more out of the loop don't believe the articles are changing, but they are they are getting more liberal mainstream and careless. They are omitting some of the "teachings" that cover up plot holes. So while the teaching is in the same spirit it falls apart when you examine it.

  • blondie
    If I'm correct you are talking about the lamb beast . That beast is supposed to represent the the dual world power of the USA and britain

    Heathen, good information but not discussed in this article. They are talking about the wild beast in Revelation 13:1,2.

    Revelation 13:1-2

    And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. 2 Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion?s mouth. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority.

    which is followed by:

    Revelation 13:11-13


    And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed. 13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.

    and yet another beast interpreted by the WTS to be the League of Nations/United Nations:

    Revelation 13:14-15


    And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. 15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.

    This article also discusses 666 and its meaning in regard to the first beast in verses 1 and 2.

    Revelation 13:17-18


    and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man?s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
  • Amazing1914

    I read it ... it was very disappointing, especially compared to the exciting and bombastic articles on the same topic we got in the late 1960s and early 1970s ... however, it is good to see how they are gradually introducing changes in their theology, allowing for some compromise ... at this rate, with these pathetic and milk-toast articles and gradual improvement in theology, they will be main stream along side Southern Baptists by about the April 1st, 2666 article ... where they simply will not know anymore what to say ... the pages will be blank ... By 1970 standards - you know the pre-Armageddon excitement days - this article would be a good April fools joke.

  • ozziepost

    It's just husks, just husks! Certainly no "spiritual food".

  • blondie
    I read it ... it was very disappointing, especially compared to the exciting and bombastic articles on the same topic we got in the late 1960s and early 1970s

    Amazing, I found it bland too but if you consider that these 2 articles are the introductory articles in the magazine, designed for the general public, I am not surprised by the lack of depth. Another clue of who the target audience is, is found in the final paragraphs where the reader is steered to the Kingdom as the only hope, "God's kingdom will bring peace to all its obedient subjects." Now if this topic was discussed in the following WT study articles, it might have been more detailed.


  • peacefulpete

    The June 1, 2003 Watchtower page 20 under the heading "Who Will Lead God?s Attack?"

    God of Magog is identified as Satan the Devil in his debased position since 1914. As a spirit creature, he cannot carry out his attack directly, but he will use human agencies to do his deeds. Who will these human agencies be? The Bible does not give us details, yet it does give us certain indications that can help us to identify who they will be. As world events unfold in fulfillment of Bible prophecies, we will gradually get an ever clearer picture. Jehovah?s people avoid speculation but remain spiritually alert, fully aware of political and religious developments that fit into the framework of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

    It?s not so much what this paragraph says, but what it does NOT say. It is strangely ommitting it's doctrinal stance that the U.N. is the agency identified as the attacker. This paragraph represents a retreating from 50 years of WT doctrine.

  • JCanon

    I haven't read the article, but I don't think they truly know what all the beasts are. Here's my take:

    I agree the beasts that comes out of the abyss is the UN. It's the "scarlet colored wild beast" that destroys Babylon the Great.

    Babylon the Great is not the "world empire of false religion" but represents the influence of secret societies connected with the Mysteries of ancient Babylon (Freemasonry, Illuminati, Priory of Sion, etc) and it's influence on the UN (Council of 300, Bildebergers, CFR, etc.)

    THE LAMB-BEAST AND FALSE PROPHET: Are them! The GB of JWs. Note it "comes out of the earth" meaning it's associated with Jehovah's approved organization though the leadership becomes apostate. Since it is the "false prophet" it is a religious entity. This is also the same organization that produces the "evil slave" and the "Rich Man".

    666 BEAST: This beast comes out of the sea and represents Christendom. The 666 is a reference to its focus on the pagan trinity doctrine.


    LION: Japan. Beast has wings but loses them and becomes manlike, more humane. Japan was aggressive mlitarily during WWII then after the A-bomb became anti-nuclear and focussed on commerce instead of trying to expand the Japanese Imperial.

    BEAR: This beast, lifted up on one side means it is "limping" and represents Russia and Allies. It means it is a major world power but has internal weaknesses, for instance, Russia is strong militarily and advanced in the space program and research, but weak socially and economically.

    LEOPARD WITH POWER INDEED: Clearly, a military superpower, undisputed. This is the prophecy I like which shows one great superpower eventually which is what we have today, the US and allies.

    THE FOURTH BEAST: This ambiguous beast is "Babylon the Great". It is killed "by fire" before the other beasts are. Babylon the Great is burned by fire by the UN.

    The WTS and many others believe these are ancient successive world powers, but as you can see, if the fourth beast dies first and the others are still present, then these are not successive world powers, but concurrent world powers all existing at the same time. Also note they do not interact with one another. One does not conquer the other. Thus these are not successive world poweres but entities that exist at the same time: Japan, Russia, US and allies.

    For the record.

    Again, the WTS GB was "disfellowshipped" in late 1992 (just before Fred Franz died) and thrown into "spiritual darkness", so they haven't got a clue who these beasts are except for the very obvious. They got six out of seven beasts wrong!!


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