Circuit Overseer Visit....not interested

by New Castles 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • myauntfanny

    Oops, that first line should have been in a box to show it came from Theocrat.

  • ColdRedRain

    I've been admitted to a mental institution and I haven't seen anything as nuts as this. The only thing that comes this close is that JW woman that coughed out demons that posessed her.

  • Dawn

    Theocrat - you're a riot!

    Look at're lives are crap

    I hate to be rude - but I do need to point out that you are making a rather general judgment of individuals to whom you do not know. Romans 14:4 "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand for the Lord is able to make him stand". It is up to the Lord Jesus, not us and our works for salvation - Read Galations chapter 3, it is very clear that salvation is a gift through grace and belief in Jesus. "Works" are a fruit that occurs naturally once a person has accepted Jesus as their savior - but it is not the works that saves a person.

    Now - back to your statement that our lives are crap - Since you have made this broad generalization which would by default include me, let me tell you a bit about my life. I am married with 2 kids, my husband and I both have successful careers, our kids have never been in any trouble, get good grades in school, and add a huge amount of joy to our lives. I am a born again Christian, I spend many hours working with our church youth group and community outreach programs. We also contribute quite a bit of time and money to charities - I tend to favor those that help kids as that's my soft spot. My husband and I sponsor a little girl in Africa named Dolas, in fact, she is one of many children being sponsored by our Church. The church has taken on an entire African village - as a church we are providing $$ to pay for schools, medical care, training teachers and pastors, digging a well for fresh water, and even built some new homes for the villagers. I study my bible regularly, pray daily to God and have been blessed by him tremendously. I ask for his guidance in many aspects of my life. So Theocrat - exactly what part of my life is crap?

  • ignored_one

    Don't feed the troll.

    New Castles,

    Just do what I do. Pretend not to be home.


    Ignored One.

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