I need critter advice badly!

by little witch 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    Ok, here is the problem... We did some window restoration work in my living room last month. In doing so, we lossed a peice of trim on the outside of the house and so far, pa kettle hasn't replaced it. Soooooo in the meantime, a mother bird has nested in the wall, and there must be a whole nestfull of baby birds.

    The noise is driving me insane! It sounds like they are in the house with me. My cats are clawing at the wall and carrying on at all hours, the dog gets pissed and barks at the cats....sigh...

    I don't know what to do about this situation. I know it sounds cruel, but I am seriously wanting to take a broom and evict my new neighbors...

    I don't know what kind of birds they are. I think they are starlings. They are very vocal I know that much. If I can get to the nest and move it, do you think they would be ok? And where should I move them to?


  • little witch
    little witch

    oh, and the first one who tells me to "wait on jehovah" gets clobbered!

  • gitasatsangha

    If you move the nest, the mother bird will have nothing to do with it. I sound bad, but it's hard to be compassionate for starlings. :(

  • Valis
  • desib77

    I would call your local Humane Society for some advice.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    LW: If you can stop from removing the nest for the next 6-8 weeks, you will be rewarded with golden silence after that time. Mr. LW can put up the house part, and they won't build there again. You absolutely cannot move the nest until then without disturbing the life and love of these little birdies and their Mamma. If you move the nest before then, Mamma will surely abandon her babies and they will die of starvation. Please do a favor for this Mamma, and let her babies remain in peace in their happy little home for just a few short weeks. I dunno.. I just feel sorry for her...


  • imallgrowedup

    LW -

    I'm with ya, girl. We have had a family of birds (still don't know which kind) living in our chimney for three years now. Whenever I'm near the fireplace, their little chirps are amplified off the chimney walls and they sound like they are in the house. I really love to listen to them, although they can be noisy at times. Needless to say, I have a virginal fireplace. Don't want to smoke 'em out. So if you find a humane way to get your birds out of your wall, let me know. It'd be nice to be able to use that fireplace someday.....!



  • little witch
    little witch

    Thanks everyone. Good link valis.

    I hope I am not a bird racist. But starlings are rather pesky....LOL

    Naturally Countrygirl with her bird avitar posted and now I feel guilty and ashamed...In honor of her, I will let the little squawking pests remain, and suffer through somehow...

    Six to eight weeks? Egads!

    I need a drink.......

  • Dan-O

    Starlings are the spawn of Satan. You must remove them from your home in order to preserve the welfare of your family. Otherwise, they'll crap on everything in sight.

  • little witch
    little witch


    Thats so funny, cause I got them in the chimney too! They are more muffled tho.

    These that are in the wall are well...what DanO said...And they carry on all night long too! (did I mention that I sleep on the sofa, right by the window)?

    Lord grant me patience....RIGHT NOW DAMMIT!

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