Can you believe this?

by staceman 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    This sounds like just another one of those stupid made up rules by someone who is on an obvious power trip. It seems like every KH has at least one of these type of a**holes who basically get off on having the power to control you. Probably to compensate for his little d.....(Ah, I said too much already).

  • seeitallclearlynow
    you know they must break you .. before they will take you back.

    Sassy, this is true. Don't get me cussing again....

    But this was definitely an issue for some of the "brothers" on my son's committee. Some felt I should not sit with my df'd son and we were also counselled not to smile or talk and ESPECIALLY do not laugh with my son during this reinstatement ritual. I wasn't even supposed to talk to him in the parking lot!!! We were supposed to wait till we were in the truck before speaking to each other. UNBELIEVABLE. I became so paranoid and did not know how to act at the Hall anymore. I do tend to overreact at times....

    But how much more unnatural can it get than for them to try to control how I relate to my own cherished son??? It messed with my head.

    You cannot imagine how angry they made me but I'm grateful for their BS because that's what caused me to stopped attending once he was reinstated.

  • Berean

    There were no rules that said the df'ed woman could not sit by her mother during the meeting as of a couple of years ago (when I gave up on the man-made-rules of the ones that have set themselves up as ?God's? in this system of things). If someone said something about to her, it was a personal opinion/rule that that person or BOE made up.

    Also, df'ed persons are not relegated to the back row, they can sit anywhere. If that was a rule then once again that was a personal opinion/rule that that person or BOE made up. Sometimes it is suggested they sit in the back rows if the df'ed person feels uncomfortable setting toward the front, however,it would be up to them.

    The system that the "Society" has constructed is conducive to abuse by over zealous and hardnosed people; people that feel free to pass judgment on others although that is forbidden to true Christians. There lies the problem with an authoritarian religion ? a multitude of man-made-rules start to appear, and they never stop adding to the rules.

    Berean (gave up on em class)

  • Skeptically Yours
    Skeptically Yours

    Never heard of this. Although df'd ones are encouraged to sit close to the door so that they can leave immediately after the amen.

    SY, same as DY

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