Bodily training useful for many things...

by FMZ 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • FMZ

    As some of you may know, I work nights as a network technician. This means I sit for about 8 hours, alone, watching 12 screens to see if anything goes red. If it does, then I start making phone calls and troubleshooting. None of this requires bodily strength, stamina, or fitness. I have put on almost 30 pounds since I started the job 6 months ago.

    Just lately though, on my new meds, I have a new lease of life, and feel myself wanting to train. I am quickly working my way up to running over a mile a day (yeah, I'm that unfit), hopefully soon I will be able to do 2 miles a day without too much tiredness afterwards. I also do strength training a couple of times a week, varying my muscle groups, and waiting for the first one to repair and stop hurting before I train the next.

    I am already feeling much better in myself and find things getting a little easier each time, and also losing weight / toning up in the process.

    What do you guys and gals do to train? Do you do strength or endurance training? Why do you train? Do you do high intensity training (i.e. 1 or 2 really good sets of less than 10, to failure) or do you go for more quantity (just do 20 reps in each set)?

    Just interested is all.


  • Stefanie

    Hi FMZ, I do the treadmill for 45 minutes a day, Pick up 50 pounds of babies going up and down the stairs. One kid is 24pds the other 20. Sex evey night for at least 30 mins helps alot also.

  • FMZ

    Apart from that whole baby part, and the spending 45 minutes a day on the treadmill, I'm up for it...


  • Dan-O

    FMZ, weight lifting is a good one ... 12 ounces at a time.


  • shotgun

    I hate running FMZ...

    Since I've totally stopped all meetings..etc about two months ago I go to the gym three times a week and weight train and on the off days take Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido...

    The Tae Kwon Do is an incredible workout combined with increasing my flexibility tenfold which is required for executing the varied kicking moves.

    So far I love it.....I have learned a couple moves which may prove helpful during any future sheparding calls.

  • shotgun

    Stef...your just plain and simply evil...why do you have to tease the weaker

    Sex evey night for at least 30 mins helps alot also. that 1 minute for him and 29 for you.....

  • confusedjw


    Computer network type work - CHECK

    Gained 30 lbs in last 4 years - CHECK

    Knee surgery can't jog anymore - CHECK


    ( The Wingmen, Confusedjw and FMZ, waddle into the bar )

    Scanning the crowd the wingmen consult one another - "too skinny, too skinny, too skin.....whoa there are some babes in our league". Cutting the two plump babes out of the herd, people shake their heads in awe - as usual the Wingmen score - leaving arm in arm with Oprah and Kirsty Alley.


  • ApagaLaLuz
    Sex evey night for at least 30 mins helps alot also.

    show off!! :)

    I too gained about 10 pounds over the last couple of months due to knee surgery. But I've been doing water aerobics 3 times a week for an hour and a half and the days in between I do about 3-4 miles on the track. But I have to walk it. The water aerobics has been VERY helpful and my knee is practically back to normal. It was GREAT. I have a wedding next month, and hopefully I should back to my normal self (whatever that may be) :)

    I have much more energy, and I'm feeling much better about myself

  • Dawn

    I walk/run a few mornings every week - I too can't run a full mile. I have a thyroid problem (hyper), that affects my endurance and stimina incredibly - but hopefully the Dr and I will get that resolved soon

    I also do yoga once or twice a week and weight train once or twice a week - depends on how much time I have.

    The best workouts though are the ones I do for fun - bike riding with my daughter, playing basket ball with my son, skiing, swimming - that kind of stuff. I try to fit in one long session each week. Just running around a track and lifting weights makes me really bored - but when I realize it's giving me the endurance to do the things I WANT to do then it's worth it.

    We have something in common - I'm a network geek too! It's hard when our jobs require sitting all day! Make sure you add something like yoga or pilates to your routine or you'll end up with some major back aches from the sitting and tension of our jobs.

  • Xena

    I just joined a gym to try and start getting ready for summer....had 3 training sessions with a personal trainer named Satan...He's got me working on free weights and doing cardio...upper body two times a week and lower two times a week....cardo every day. I dance twice a week for two hours at a time too, so that helps with the cardio.

    The weather is warming up so my daughter and I will probably be going to the pool in the evenings too....every little bit helps!

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