Special meeting this weekend?

by kj 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman

    Wait, wait. It really is special. You see, most of the year, you get recycled talks that you've heard over and over. Last I knew, there were fewer than 150 in the series, so that means that if you've been a JW for more than 3 years, you've probably heard them all (or heard certain ones multiple times). If you were a JW for almost 30 years, like I was, then you've practically got them all memorized.

    But once a year, they actually break down and write a new talk, which is presented as a "Special Talk" and added to the series so that it, too, can be given over and over again. After all, hearing it repeatedly will help you to be fully indoctrinated grasp the material better. Meanwhile, besides the repeated public talks, they study the same books over and over again in the Book Study, and have been rehashing pretty much the same material from the same few publications in the Ministry School for, like, 50 years now.

    Now, I can go to most any church in Christendom, and the clergyman will have written a fresh sermon for that week, on whatever week I go there. But the Society sees fit to bash the churches because they lack the "abundance of spiritual food" available in "Jehovah's organization". How's that again?

  • NeonMadman

    Wait, wait. It really is special. You see, most of the year, you get recycled talks that you've heard over and over. Last I knew, there were fewer than 150 in the series, so that means that if you've been a JW for more than 3 years, you've probably heard them all (or heard certain ones multiple times). If you were a JW for almost 30 years, like I was, then you've practically got them all memorized.

    But once a year, they actually break down and write a new talk, which is presented as a "Special Talk" and added to the series so that it, too, can be given over and over again. After all, hearing it repeatedly will help you to be fully indoctrinated grasp the material better. Meanwhile, besides the repeated public talks, they study the same books over and over again in the Book Study, and have been rehashing pretty much the same material from the same few publications in the Ministry School for, like, 50 years now.

    Now, I can go to most any church in Christendom, and the clergyman will have written a fresh sermon for that week, on whatever week I go there. But the Society sees fit to bash the churches because they lack the "abundance of spiritual food" available in "Jehovah's organization". How's that again?

  • RunningMan

    So, let me get this straight. The society is rehashing the same talks over and over again. Are you guys taking a page out of their book?

  • kj

    Thanks everybody. Never being a JW myself, I didn't know what a "special" talk was

  • shamus

    Yup...I remember those. Big deal, LOL!

    They were so boring... so much hype over nothing.

  • sf
    a little skipping throught he daisies in paradise if you listen to the governing b ody, deeath and dismemberment if you dont.

    LOLOLOLOL!!! Very funny.


  • blondie

    There has been a special talk the Sunday following the Memorial since 1970, 34 years. How special can they be?


    km 3/70 p. 1 Building on a Right Foundation ***

    The special public talk for March 29 will be "The Road Back to Peace in Paradise." This will be a manuscript prepared by the Society and will contain an abundance of meaty spiritual food. It is good for us from time to time to have an especially nourishing spiritual meal, one that requires close attention and concentration. But while this might be a talk with an abundance of spiritual food in it, do not for a moment hesitate to invite newer ones. There will be a great deal that they will grasp. The chairman in his closing comments at the Memorial can invite all in attendance to return on the following Sunday for this special talk. Then the talk should be widely advertised during the week.

  • Atilla
    Last I knew, there were fewer than 150 in the series, so that means that if you've been a JW for more than 3 years, you've probably heard them all (or heard certain ones multiple times). If you were a JW for almost 30 years, like I was, then you've practically got them all memorized.

    I don't think that it always used to be that way but I believe in the effort to make things more uniform, the WT developed the select number of outlines that were only to be used for Sunday talks. I think that before the uniform outlines, local elders could be more liberal in their talk outlines. The problem was that sometimes elders would be very liberal and go off into some weird tangents, thus the need for preset outlines. Of course, elders will say that they are only outlines, and they can develop each outline as they see fit. The problem is that they are all looking at the same info, no real outside sources, so they all begin to sound the same. Plus, once an elder has a outline done, odds are that he's not going to redo it, thus, you''ll hear his same outline over and over and over, maybe with a new illustration thrown in, then over and over again. Most elders only have about 5 to 15 outlines out of the 150 done, but I did know this super dub in my hall that had them all done, go figure.

  • NeonMadman
    I don't think that it always used to be that way but I believe in the effort to make things more uniform, the WT developed the select number of outlines that were only to be used for Sunday talks.

    Not sure how far back you go, but I was a JW since 1969, and they always had the present system when I was in. At one point in the 70's they introduced a whole new series of talks, but most of them were the same old talks rehashed and brought up to date with "new light." Since then, as far as I know, they've used essentially the same series, making revisions and occasional additions as needed.

  • searcher

    Special, isnt that the PC word used to decribe people with mental problems?

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