what is the first lie in the bible and who told it?

by zen nudist 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DevonMcBride
  • Carmel

    Knock Knock! Who's there? Myth! Myth who? Mythed the whole point of the myth!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Valis pegged it!

  • JCanon


    Only because this is a X-JW dub forum do I hasten to remind you that the WTS has it's own idea about this apparent discrepancy.

    First of all, of note, it does address this is a potential discrepancy, so it is a text that needs "explanation", thus one would acknowledge, taken verbatim it would seem as though God lied.

    But the way the witnesses explain it and it's something most witnesses all know and thus perhaps it's more appropriate to challenge their reply than the Bible itself in this regard, is that "a day with God is 1000 years." (2 Peter 3:8)

    Thus when God said "in that day" you will die, did God mean a 24-hour day? or a 1000-year day?

    The 1000-year day concept, when you consider a lot of other things (that I won't go into here, least not in this thread) works very well for this scenario since it seems as though man was given just "a day" to live anyway, before dying. That is, the Tree of Life was to extend a man's life past one day of 1000 years. When you think in terms of what the tree of life was about, eternal life as compared to a temporary life, and thus a life at some point that God would end "naturally" just as the animals die, it seems as though 1000 years was that period. That is "confirmed" more or less with the earliest men living past 900 years, as if close to the natural lifespan of the perfect man, though mortal man. In other words, why would Adam need the "tree of life" unless his death weren't already set? Partaking of the tree of life was something that was extra to signify permission to live forever.

    So it's like many texts in the Bible where the CONTEXT must be taken into consideration before one considers it a contradiction. I can find in the Bible where it says there is just 'one god and one lord" and in another place where it says "there are many gods and many lords". Is that a contradiction? No.

    The other "out" that witnesses teach as far Adam dying in that "day", which is something I don't really don't agree or disagree with, is that symbolically he died in that very day; that is, he was considered to be "dead" in God's eyes from that moment on. I suppose that works, but I prefer the previous reference that in God's mind, mankind was given 1000 years of general life, a day, and God was saying they would not live past their first "day" if they ate from the tree of knowledge.


  • Jim_TX

    Durn, Valis! You beat me to it!

    Genesis 1:1 - the very first lie in the bible.


    Jim TX

  • JCanon


    See below













    .ADAM 812 (Adam ate one too).

  • Nosferatu

    New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

    Rendered from the Original Languages

    by the

    New World Bible Translation Committee

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    In the devils coniving confabulation with Eve he spoke 54 words.

    Only 5 were lies," you positively will not die".

    It's about the same ratio with the WT$....

    My favorite quote from Clint Eastwood's."Outlaw Joesy Wales".

    " Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining"

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    In the devils coniving confabulation with Eve he spoke 54 words.

    Only 5 were lies," you positively will not die".

    but see that is where this began, that was NOT a lie...in context, he said that they would NOT die from eating from the tree of knowledge, not that they would never die...I hasten to point out that eternal life was never promised to Adam or Eve anywhere and that Adam died of old age, and being prevented from eating of the tree of life, not from eating of the tree of knowledge...so the serpent was correct.... the fact is that Adam was allowed to die of old age because he did not believe God when he told him he would die from eating of the tree of knowledge... which turned out to be the only lie in the story.

    most of, myself included, focused on the fact that Adam died by being disobedient.... but infact I just realized as I just mentioned that was not the case...it was not a case of obedience because God essential gave him a warning, not a law...a warning which turned out to be false....and when god saw that man would understand it as false, he then prevented men from living forever...even though admitting they still could.

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