Armageddon "Victims" in Waiting?

by Englishman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Mr. King,

    You said: < quote:
    do you think Hitler cared one way or the other that most families and households on the receiving end of his Luftwaffe's bombs were innocent?

    I'd like to ask, in comparison to whom?


  • nicolaou

    Both Englishman and Francoise made the point that to destroy an entire family for "unspecified misdemeanours" and "ritual errors" seemed "excessive" and "degrading".

    You retorted by saying in part;

    while you do have a fine looking family, and I am sure they are all wonderful people, none of that means anything in the face of annihilation

    How else were we meant to take your comments? It seems to you and many others that 6 billion men, women & children are to Jehovah God as 6 million Jews were to Hitler - fit for destruction!!

    I wonder sometimes if (Jehovah's Witnesses) are really as ignorant and stupid as they appear, or whether you will simply say anything to deliberately distort the truth.

    Don't call me stupid.


  • think41self


    Nice Looking Family

    And no, no "God" in their "right" mind would destroy millions for the reasons you state. But then, the "God" of the Bible and most Christian religions never claimed to be in his right mind, did he? Only omnipotent. Big difference, if you ask me.

    Smiling and enjoying this beautiful day!


  • Mulan

    Hey, English!! Beautiful family. Nice to see what you look like too.

    Just a sidebar to some of the other comments: My brother who has been disfellowshipped since 1978 calls Jehovah "Hitler in the sky." He has become an atheist/agnostic. I never can tell for sure. But, I do know that he means the Jehovah of the WTS, not the God I believe in........I think.

    Some of your comments, people, were 'out there'. I wondered what you were thinking was said on this thread. Sometimes I think people deliberatley misunderstand.

  • memejnk

    For my parents, who became Jehovahs Witness in the early 70's, Armageddon came for them. They were so certain that Armageddon was coming very soon, so they sold their house and all "worldly possessions bought a Winnebago and give their lives full time to serving the JW. They also gave up their family because we did not become JW then when my 2 sisters became JW they didn't approve of how they lived as JW. So as the years went on and they kept believeing they gave up every worldly pleasure and until 2 yrs ago sat in a trailer waiting for Armageddon until they both became to ill to take care of themselves. My sister took them into her home to take care of them, my Mom now has severe alheizmers, my dad not so bad but is diabetic, has Parkinson's, and cannot walk. They did nothing to prepare for when they got old because Armageddon was coming and they didn't need to, so they have nothing, except for social security, medicare, which we all know it not enough. They are very hateful to my sister and do not appreciate what she is doing for them at all. My sister is still a JW and has asked for help from people at the KH where my parents put what money, time and effort they had into, for help and not one response. No vistors, no taking Mom and Dad for a ride, no nothing!!!!!!! So after the abuse of being disowned by our parents, my sisters and I have to take care of our parents, who abandoned us years ago because we were worldly and said the only true friends were the JW friends they had. Where are these true friends now? Sorry, JW, this would never be the way God would want us to be.

  • Mulan

    I had to respond here too. I have had a similar experience, in having to care for elderly parents who didn't plan for retirement because the end was coming. My parents divorced in 1969 when I was pregnant with my third child. My father had a large estate, which he practically handed over the entire thing to my mother, who promptly remarried. She married a wonderful man, that we all adore, but who is now dying of cancer and has Alzheimer's disease. He is in a home. Mom now has no resources, other than her Social Security, because she 'blew' all the money because 1975 was coming, so why not spend it all. How anyone can go through that much money in less than 10 years is a miracle. She didn't share a dime either. The IRS did get about $100,000 though, thank you very much. Dear old Dad, is in great health, but blind, lives with us. He has nothing, but Social Security income. So much for having been a very successful doctor. Poor investments, and victimized by every scam artist around, until we moved him in with us, two years ago. Mom is a true believer, and I will say this about the dubs. They are very attentive to her and to her husband, and they are very much loved. Of course we were all in the same congregation too, so since we are no longer 'in the truth', they think we are pond scum, so they think they are taking up the slack. And they are, to tell the truth. One of the sisters gives Mom $100 a month to help her with her expenses now, that she has lost her husband's Social Security. Her husband's ex wife does the same (not a dub), as do we and our children, too. My father even chips in $100 a month for her since his SS is twice what hers is. So, she doesn't have to move in with one of us, which she really doesn't want to do. Anyway, my point is that Mom's congregation is helping her. I would be torn in another direction, if they weren't there for her.

  • Englishman

    You Know,

    You said: In the end Jehovah will make a way out for those that trust explicitly in him.

    The gist of you response implies that it is the people who bring this "Catastrophe" upon themselves. During my JW era, armageddon was always referred to as "God's war". We always understood that it would be God who did the killing.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • CordeDeVelour

    If murder is a sin, God is the ultimate sinner. JWs are so pompous as to say they're going to be the only ones to survive. Build your paradise but don't forget to shovel the billions of corpses on the way, and with a large smile like one of those on the WT illustrations of paradise!

    Wouldn't it be funny if they actually drew an illustration like that? Oh wait, that's not politically correct.

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