Armageddon "Victims" in Waiting?

by Englishman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Here's a pic of my family outside our house in Weston super Mare, England.

    According to Jehovah's witnesses, we are all going to be destroyed at armageddon for various unspecified misdemeanors. Excuse me for asking this, but isn't this just a little excessive?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Francois

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Your picture is worth at least ten times that many. And, when you increase your concept to include all but a tiny microminority of God's "children" the idea of Armaggedon becomes just that much more monstrous. Makes the Hindu concept of Kali look utterly loving, doesn't it?

    And to think the God is one day going to swoop down from the heavens and murder off all but a few people like your family for what amounts to a ritual error, well, it's just too degrading.

    I personally think that it is It is an affront to God to believe, hold, or teach that innocents of any philosophic persuasion will be murdered off by an "angry" god for any reason.

    (Handsome family, sir.)


    My $0.02

  • Celia

    Englishman, l'ennemi hereditaire.....
    Are you that handsome man on the left ?
    Where is your wife ? That young thing in the middle must be your daughter ! ?
    Great family.

  • Fredhall


    If you want to, you can judge yourself. But don't judge your family. Leave it to God.

  • You Know
    You Know

    Down through history hundreds of millions of people have been killed in wars and pogroms and through various atrocities. Entire families and bloodlines have been wiped out. Jesus said that the oncoming great tribulation would be far worse than any war or holocaust this blood-soaked planet has ever experienced. It will be the end of this evil system of things. And while you do have a fine looking family, and I am sure they are all wonderful people, none of that means anything in the face of annihilation. Back during the Battle of Britain, do you think Hitler cared one way or the other that most families and households on the receiving end of his Luftwaffe's bombs were innocent? Blind genocidal rage doesn't care about such cosmetics. In the end Jehovah will make a way out for those that trust explicitly in him. I suspect that when the desperate times come upon us, and when it becomes apparent to the faithless world that Jehovah's Witnesses have the true faith, when of course it's too late for them to do anything to save themselves, then people like yourself will have to deal with the rage of family and neighbors when they realize how badly you misled them. Cherrio mate, and all that rot! / You Know

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Out of the abundance of his heart, Sideshow Bob speaks:
    blood-soaked planet...
    Blind genocidal rage...
    desperate times...

    and finally, his true statement of the state of his brain:
    "...all that rot!"

  • You Know
    You Know

    Hey Mummy Dark, you are the one who is obviously mentally deranged. You could have just as easily focused on the part about Jehovah making a way out for the faithful, but you chose instead to sieze upon the negative aspect of doom as if the reality of holocausts and genocide emanated from my mind. Of course you are the one that is always doing a sideshow dance routine to somehow distract from unpleasant facts that you wish to brush aside. The fact of the matter is, Englishman brought up the matter of Armageddon. I merely pointed out the stupidity of his "reasoning." Deal with it! / You Know

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Bobby, you pointing out the stupidity of anything in others is so hypocritical, it's funny. There is no angry Sky Daddy and no need of any 'way out'. The way out is death, it strikes every single human, and your denial of it makes you one of the most pathetic spectacles on the planet. But You Know that doncha Sideshow Bob? The realities of holocaust and genocide come from the minds of sick twisted hierarchy-loving idiots like YOU, not from mothers and grandmothers like me. So who is deranged? I think the answer is clear to all but clowns like you...

  • nicolaou

    Now I've heard everything!

    do you think Hitler cared one way or the other that most families and households on the receiving end of his Luftwaffe's bombs were innocent?

    A JW actually comparing his God to Hitler.
    Today is not a good day.


  • You Know
    You Know
    A JW actually comparing his God to Hitler.

    I wonder sometimes if apostates are really as ignorant and stupid as they appear, or whether you will simply say anything to deliberately distort the truth. Whatever the case, can you point to anything in my post where I compared Jehovah God to Hitler? It's easy to see why some of you people were such easy prey for the apostasy. / You Know

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