Anyone ever been to the meeting drunk or stoned???

by New Castles 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sassy

    Just once I went to a Ministry School/Service Meeting after having a couple of beers that ironicallly had hit me, which is rare that only a few will.. and wouldn't you know they singled me out from the stage to ask me a question..

    That taught me...

  • xjw_b12

    for frankiespeakin

  • Teela

    Stoned on and off for a couple of years, helped me cope with it all by blanking it out. Parents just thought I was was quiet and accepting. Short term memory still bad. Need lists for everything.

  • new light
    new light

    Been there stoned, not a good time IMO.

    Went to a book study or two after drinking. Once guzzled a six-pack in the hour before the study. Couldn't stop smirking. Also lost ability to whisper. Didn't matter, though. Book study conductor was well-known, good-spirited boozer, along with his wife. Even if they noticed, they wouldn't mind.

    The only time period in which I actually enjoyed field service was when I was drinking quite heavily, especially on weekends. Waking up drunk on Saturday morning can lead to poor judgement, as this attests to quite well.

  • Corvin

    I plan on going tonight . . . drunk off my ass. LOL JK would not want them to have the ammo.

  • TheOldHippie

    When I started attending, yes. I smoked weed daily, and often fell asleep. Other times, I had shot morphine and had problems talking or walking. Other times, I had shot speed, amphetamine, and talked and walked like a waterfall.

  • ohiocowboy

    Unfortunately, no. But I think the meetings would have been a bit more interesting, and the time would have gone by quicker, but then again, I used to do the sound and the music at the meetings, no telling what could have happened! SCREEEEEEEETCH!

  • lilacia

    No...neither. BUT...we first had a "bible study" with a family that lasted a year or two and when the study was over, the older daughter took me down into their basement where her room was and it was where I first discovered weed and bowls and black lights and Led Zep. Upstairs our folks were discussing how to alter our lives and control us, downstairs, was where I really did not care if Santa Claus was real or not. I was even "used" the next few years, as a pseudo "underage chaperone", one of those "bring her with and we can find something to do with her while we do the naughty". Some of the worst, scary experiences I had, was with an older "sister" who left me with people she thought SHE could trust. It was like feeding time at the Zoo. All the older "brothers" at the party, knew I was alone, the younger ones were too scared by elder daddy to be alone with me. It was amazing to me, the two-faced personalities. At the KH, these guys were all wholesome and polite. At a "get- togethers", designed to bring together like-minded JW young ones (c'mon, you know they hope to breed within JW race), I would be targeted fresh future elderwife/pioneer. Two of the young men actually smoked joints in front of me and tried to hand them to me and then would talk about how they saw their futures in the KH. Just say JW. It is remarkable that I actually never got into drugs, or porn or devil-worship as I was taught to avoid. Yet, still "wordly", I got a college education and am a strong, educated women. The bottom line, I saw more of my older teen JWs do drugs and have sex and it was their actions that I actually learned the negative results from. Imagine that.

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