More Ex-Witnesses than Witnesses?

by OHappyDay 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OHappyDay

    Jehovah's Witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (TM) to "prove" that God is blessing them over and above all other religions.

    But with so many being disfellowshipped and leaving over the past decades, how many ex-Witnesses are there?

    With thousands growing wiser and more dissatisfied with WT doctrine, might the number of ex-Witnesses over the years now equal the number of Witnesses?

    And what do these millions of ex-Witnesses "prove" about whom God is "blessing"?

  • Dan-O

    I dunno. Good questions.

    Alright ... everybody raise your hand and I'll start counting. One ... two ... three ... four ... Come on. Keep those hands up until I get to you ... five ... six ...

  • OHappyDay

    I doubt anyone can pin down exact statistics. But I keep hearing about the thousands that get disfellowshipped each year. And I see from forums like this that many just walk away.

    Somewhere down the line those thousands must add up to quite a few.

  • blondie

    What is an ex-JW?

    I figure 6 million JWs but 15 million at the Memorial, means 9 million have not committed and that amount is pretty steady. They can't all be minor children. And then there are those who don't go to be counted. None of those are counting time in the "ministry" so can't be considered JWs (WTS definition).


  • DevonMcBride

    I know of many ex-JW's who don't post on these boards or any other ex-JW boards at all. There are probably thousands more like them. We'll never know the answer but I'd like to think that the ex-JW's outnumber the JW's.


  • OHappyDay

    Another thing mentioned prominently is all the hours spent in "disciple-making." But then those disciples learn that they are not being drawn to Jesus, but to an "Organization" that doesn't treat the flock with tenderness like Jesus did. All those proud hours are for nothing.

    I use to think that many left or were put out due to moral turpitude -- smoking, fornicating, gambling, etc. But I am learning that there's much more to it than that. And that the moral turpitude is on the Society's part -- false teachings, wild speculations, harsh treatment of people, which makes people leave.

    Somehow, the whole WT enterprise appears futile. For every one that comes in through the front door, more leave out the back door.

  • Corvin

    Baptized in 1999: 67,661 Average publishers reporting in 1998: 2,314,309 Average publishers reporting in 1999: 2,300,239

    If we combine the figures for 19 major countries, we reach a total of 67,661 baptized, but rather than a growth of equal numbers, the 1999 figures show a decrease of 14,070, meaning that in thos 19 major countries 81,731 left or became "inactive".

    Individual reasons for leaving or becoming inactive are anybody's guess.

  • the mole
    the mole

    i remember when i was an m.s. taking attendance children and all adults are counted and added as was wierd but that is what they did..i also remember the co in my area counted all people active and inactive as members..only the df'd were not counted. my guess was that out of 75 in our all they always calculated around a 106 total members. i asked one time and the co explained that many are sick at home or elderly. but i dont believe thats was all true. i knew of many who simply dropped out but were still being counted..the mole

  • IT Support
    IT Support


    Jehovah's Witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (TM) to "prove" that God is blessing them over and above all other religions.

    Very true. Which is why this web site is so interesting.

    I think it very eloquently makes the point that if numbers=God's blessing, then JWs ain't got it!

    Although it's a Mormon site, I've no reason to question the figures, bearing in mind they're only intended to be 'guess-timates.' (Edited to add that I've just noticed the first column is totally off: no doubt because it's no longer 2002.)

    It's just a shame it hasn't been updated since 2002.

    Notice the figures at the bottom of the page for Watchtower magazines printed!



  • Dan-O

    Hey, Ken? The Mormons have an unfair advantage. That polygamy thing allows them to reproduce at a faster rate, limited by only the number of wives a guy can support.

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