How did you read your Bible?

by desib77 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • desib77

    After leaving the JW's, if you read the Bible, how did you do it? Where did you start Genesis? Matthew? Did you use study aids or read it by itself? What version did you use or did you use several and compare?

    I've been noticing on many of the posts that a lot of you have additional information that you have research involving timelines, historical accuracy and translating. Did you gather this information while you read your Bible? Where did you learn what you know about the Bible?

    I've started reading in my Bible but don't know how to get into it as deeply as others seem to.


  • gumby

    I started in something called "bible study fellowship" It was the best way I knew of to study the bible......without church baloney.

    I would suggest reading it with no aids and see what it 'says' to you........then do a a study from the 'bible critics' point of view. Be fair to yourself and do both.


  • desib77


  • desib77

    Thanks, Gumby.

    Bible Study Fellowship? Is that just a Bible study group?


  • blondie

    You might use this site. I used it when I was an active JW. It has various translations, commentaries, concordance, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and lexicons all online.


    Bible Study Fellowship

  • mineralogist

    I bought a bible with references and commentary - geneva comments (?) - and also used many online versions like those on or where you also could get some old timers like Barnes and Matthew Henry which are used by the WTS.

  • gumby
    Bible Study Fellowship? Is that just a Bible study group?

    It is an organisation that has many fellowships all over. People from all different denominations attend, catholic and protestant of various churches. The group listens to a discourse and recieves literature dealing with the discourse....and a question sheet......which is the good part. The following week the class splits up in small groups and you discuss the 'question sheet' together. Each shares his/her views of the scriptures, with nobody being told a right and wrong answer. The speaker and others are all volunteer.

    You may want to start with the critical study first to see how the bible came to be, and what the critics say about the bible. It might save you some time......or maybe not. There is ALWAYS another side to the coin.


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I started at the beginning, a book called WHO WROTE THE BIBLE Richard E. Friedman

    it showed me that the hand of man was large in the bible and several books on cults helped me to see that there really was no god behind the bible stories, just con artists and people who were trying to figure out their place in reality as we all do...

    I found other books which explained how christianity and the bible came from pagan mythologies which were much older and able to fill in many gaps

  • gumby

    Zen Nudist,

    I enjoyed your reply. I am STILL glad however I took the path I did. I would rather....I think.........come from a bible backround than not. Now I can see both sides. Had I started a critical examination of the bible earlier.......I may have not known or felt what christianity is all about. For the most part....... a "good" christian lifestyle, can bring much good to a persons life.However....I still believe one should have a choice between the two with a good knowledge of both before deciding which path to walk.


  • Gretchen956
    a "good" christian lifestyle, can bring much good to a persons life.

    Okay I know its a little off-track, but thats quite an assumption you are making. Other religions, other spiritual paths have teachings about morality that predate the bible. I know it wasn't your intention, but I have met so many that dismiss any other faith than christian as if, when you aren't a christian you are either an ax-murderer or something equally as horrible.

    An it harms none, do what you will.


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