POLL: If you're not actively a Christian - do you celebrate Easter?

by somebodylovesme 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme

    Undecided & Moon..

    Definitely. :) As I am thinking back, when my only vivid memories of Easter as a kid (besides the church thing) was helping my sister hide eggs for her little kids... and that was so much fun. Nothing like laughing faces to make you feel complete. So I do agree - anything that brings together loved ones is a good thing. :)

  • Special K
    Special K

    Family time with the kids

    One solid chocolate bunny per kid..

    Bunny trails and treasure hunts.

    Church,, (hell no!)


    Special K

  • LoverOfTruth

    I'm all for Easter and so are my girls Rosie Louise and Lola Lu!


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I celebrate Easter weekly! I eat chocolate everyday!

  • Stefanie
    if you're not a religious person, do you do anything for Easter? Dinner? Eggs?

    Yes, because I dont know what path my children will take.

  • Dan-O

    You ladies have met the Easter Squirrel, right? Thats what a chocolate bunny looks like after the parents bit his ears off. ;-)

  • wasasister

    Now that I'm not afraid of pagans, I rather like their seasonal celebrations. After all, the return of the sun impacts me much more than some ancient dinner of bread and wine.

    Easter to me is about rebirth, colors, and a celebration of life. I love the colored eggs for no reason other than they are pretty and fun to look at. I had a little private celebration after the equinox, will bring baskets to the people at work, don't eat ham....

    Spring is my favorite time of year and a darned fine time to party.


  • somebodylovesme

    LoverOfTruth -- Those pictures are ADORABLE!!! :)

  • Princess

    Nope, just a beautiful Sunday. Steve is out cutting the grass to prevent the churchgoers from parking in front of our house. It's one of those really annoying things they do. Rude because they then use our yard as their path to the church, walking right across the lawn.

    My kids are a bit worked up because we don't celebrate it. Rhys asked why a friend gets the Easter Bunny and we don't. I told him it's because she celebrates Easter and we don't. He might start to make some Santa connections here, I'm not sure. Zoe is mad because she wants to color some eggs. I just really don't want to get Easter going around here. Next year they'll be requesting Easter presents and the whole thing has just gone to sh*t.

    Easter is getting as commercial as Christmas. I'm digging in my heels on this one.

    I'm an active, communion-taking Christian, but don't celebrate Easter, especially

    Really? I'm surprised you don't celebrate it.

  • Mulan
    Zoe is mad because she wants to color some eggs.

    Next year, let's go to Hawaii!!! That might avoid it all.

    Or, we could just make some colored eggs. I think we could satisfy them with coloring eggs, and eating candy eggs. It's really just the candy issue, you know!!

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