Do teenage JW's have a higher suicide rate?

by thomas3004 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • thomas3004

    Hello everybody,

    I read online that teenage JW's have a suicide rate four times higher than the national average. I was curious if anybody could refer me to actual statistics that could either confirm or deny that. I have a friend who was struggling with suicidal thoughts a few months ago and now her new boyfriend is trying to convert her to be a JW. So I am a little concerned to say the least.

    Can someone please help?

  • thomas3004

    sorry, I'm new here. I was confused. I didn't mean to post the same thing twice. please forgive me.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    No problemo.... btw, WELCOME...

  • 4JWY

    Hi Thomas -

    Welcome to the board. It's nice that you are showing concern for your friend who has struggled and are trying to do research on her behalf. Unfortunately there are cases where the belief system and problems within the organization have caused people, young and old, to take their lives. I have personally known several including my own father. Compared to the general population - that would be a tricky one to come up with numbers - JW's don't record statistics of that sort. Teen suicide is a big problem everywhere.

    The religion, actually a cult, is very restrictive and many teens (& adults) find it a difficult regime to live under. I would first suggest that your friend seek profesional assistance for her ongoing struggles and not be led along the path of believing that JW's have all the answers for the world's problems to include mental, physical issues. We received constant training to convince people of this - but, you will find as you explore areas of this board, many are no longer choosing to live under the illusion. The incidence of emotional distress, depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental difficulties does abound within the membership and there are two thoughts on this: that people who struggle in those areas are DRAWN to the JW's and/or, they are created while within. We found the answer to those problems - we left, and all - are now WELL.

    You are a wonderful friend to show such concern, and again, please urge your friend to seek guidance from a professional soon.

    Warm regards,


  • dustyb

    i personally have to say yes, but i don't have any statistics. my friend used to be very suicidal before drugs and he was a JW. i think they are that way because they are pounded from birth (or time of consumption) that without the WTS, you will die and cease to exist and you can't function properly without being part of the WTS. right now i'm in the process of "deprogramming" a few people, and thats what i've found out. it just takes a long time =/

  • Corvin

    Well, I can honestly say that I knew personally more JW's who took their own lives than worldly folks. I have known more JW's who expressed suicidal thoughts than I have worldly. There could very well be a thread or pattern.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I do not know of any statistics but I am not surprised due to the restrictive and intolerant nature of this religion. Especially for teenagers who are a raging bunch of hormones.....

    It would be an interesting study

  • air

    do you know what?i was disgusted when i read what u had written!As a Jehovahs Witness i think i know, we are NOT i repeat NOT a cult!a cult has 2 have one spersific worldly in achurch with the priest or even the POPE!!!!!

    we base all our belifes firmly on the bible and Jesus Christ is the head of our congrigations and Jehovah God is the one we worship!

    i can not belive that people say these things!Yes our religion is striced but ,i as a 16 year old boy, can say that we do not miss out!Oh yaeh we do.....on aids and all other S.T.D.`s we miss out and drugs and becoming heroin adicts, we miss out on un-wanted pregnacies, we miss out on having to have our stomach pumped every saturday night because we ve been out and drank to much!YES we miss out on alot!

    I am a teenager and my father died about 7 or 8 moths ago anh ye it was a hard time!but i never NEVER felt suicidel if any thing i was drawn closer to God!I have many many happy friends in this organisation none of which have EVER felt like this!i LOVE being a Jehovahs Witness! If any thing by you all saying things like this you just prove that we are the true religion!I my apologies because i can not rememebr exactly where but in the bible it tells us that satan has blinden the minds of the unbelivers so all i can say is thanks!

    We do have all our things correct and i am affraid that it is you who are sadly mistaken!

    find something better to do instead of discusing our fantastic holy divinly inspired RELIGION all day long!

  • izobcenec
    cult has 2 have one spersific worldly in achurch with the priest or even the POPE!!!!!

    You have a deadly cult leader, named "faithful and discreet slave". You have to obey all his commands.

    find something better to do instead of discusing our fantastic holy divinly inspired RELIGION all day long!

    Holy s... What are you doing here anyway?

  • richard

    Thomas, what is this internet source that says the suicide rate is 4 times higher? As far as I know, there are no reliable statistics.

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