Hacienda del Corona

by simplesally 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    I think maybe he is too shy to admit it..

    Next time he needs to deliver the boots and stay inside them when we go out and party!

    Maybe we have some other cowboys willing to volunteer?

  • bikerchic
    Next time he needs to deliver the boots and stay inside them when we go out and party!

    Them boots are made for walking!

    Maybe out paths haven't crossed YET Kate..

    but we sure can look forward to a future hook up! You and Ona are always welome at our Corona hideaway! (although you can tell Ona you had to twist our arms to get us to let him come too.. tee hee)

    Eh, yeah you never know I go to Cali a couple of times a year maybe we could hook up sometime.


  • simplesally

    well Sally and I were out on the town in Corona... I am being lazy and POSTING under SimpleSally.. but THIS IS SASSY!!!

    boy that girl knows how to have fun..

    sorry.. no pics.. this is a family site.. (tee hee)

  • LyinEyes

    What does your thread topic say..........."There is Corona in the house"???

    I may look spanish but I dont know but only a few words.....hehe. I have to tell that to many folks I run into at the Walmart do not understand I don't speak it..... honestly........ I do not know Spanish!!!!!!! They don't beleive me, I just wish I knew what they were saying about me, when I left.........hehe. That is my motivation to learn it........

    Well, I had drinks with yall..........but I was here and ya'll where there and over there.........but I mentioned the board so much in the last few weeks to my friends.......in real life here,,,,,they must think I am crazy. We did our Ouija board, talked about Good Friday,, should we eat fish, and does crawfish count??,,,drank beer, had several screwdrivers...( me mostly) danced to Runaround Sue on the oldies station, and stuck some beer cans up a dead chicken's ass on the grill. It was quite tasty I might add. Oh and some yummy whole oninons rolled in butter and cajun seasoning wrapped in foil.

    We laughed at who was knocking at the door,,,,,,,,,,was it more of those "hovah's???? Everyone dies at the thought that Wild and I were ever JW's. There are alot of crazy things that happened in a few short hours of several home grown 30' something peeps , ( somethings are just to country and backwoods to even admit ) hehe ,,,,,,,,cracking up listening to the 80's music on tv.

    I guess life in a small town can be blah,,,,,,,,but we sure know how to make the most of what we do have,,,,,,,,even if we are laughing at ourselves....at least we are living ya know????????

    Party on Dudes,,,,,,,and Dudettes.

  • Sassy

    Definately know exactly what you mean Lyin..

    I actually have the same problem about people thinking sometimes that I should be able to speak Spanish.. especially when I am working with a tan..

    I can just imagine partying with you and WT.. I look forward to the days of partying with friends who never knew I was a JW.. and be able to tell them and have them be shocked and laugh..

  • Sassy

    so no one left up to have a drink with Sassy??

  • DanTheMan

    Wow, a thread about drinking and partying containing posts by Simplesally and Sassy, some containing pictures of and references to previous occasions.

    There is something new under the sun!

    Dan, tried-to-resist-but-couldn't class

  • arrowstar

    Dan -

    They are a wild pair, aren't they?


  • DanTheMan

    They sure are! And boy do they let us know about it!

  • arrowstar

    You can say that again...


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