Diary of an Armeggedon Survivor

by Gretchen956 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    Hi Blondie,

    I read a lot of scifi and was I surprised to be reading a story about life after a globe encompassing war where humans were punched back to the to just before the Industrial Revolution. The main character was traveling from area to area and encountered a group just like this story and barely escaped with this life.

    Was that story "The Postman" by David Brin if I remember right?

    I think that story was made into a movie, which I have not seen.


  • blondie

    VM, I saw that movie. I guess it was a bomb at the theatre but I saw it on cable. I love Kevin Costner and almost any scifi movie. I even liked Waterworld. I think it was an even older story than Brin's. Logansrun had a segment similar to that too.

    Too scary for me. I saw a story where a man had himself frozen because he had a fatal disease. He was revived in the future so he could correct a satellite he designed years before. Then he found out he was not worthy to live in the future and they killed him....eerie.


  • czarofmischief

    I read Day of the Triffids. Was pretty intense stuff.

    Not as personally creepy as the JW world, though. I remember one of the biggest complaints I had that my father couldn't answer was that "I'm going to do all this work and I don't think I even want the reward! I don't want to live in a Paradise run by Bethel. I mean, they can't even put together an enjoyable three-day program, how the hell do they intend to fill eternity?"


  • gitasatsangha

    Stunning. Reminded me of Day of the Triffids.


    E-man, I had the same exact feeling.

  • Mary

    Wow, what an amazing post. And yes, I can see that sort of thing happening after the Big A, too.

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